Embers and Ambrosia with Daffodil Archery


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Audny Refsdottir
Date: April 29 , 2016 until May, 1 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 29th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 1th 2016

Event site:
Swiss Sportsman Club of Tacoma
9205 198th Ave E Bonney Lake, WA 98391


Over-all Event Steward: HL Audny Refsdottir
contact info: erin_dolphin@hotmail.com 253-306-5998 (or Erin Severe
on Facebook)

Assistant Event Steward: HL Zahra bint al-Rammah
contact info: Zahra.bao@gmail.com 

Merchant-crat: HL Alizand Thorgeirsson
contact info: alizaunde@gmail.com

Bardic Championship: HL Gareth Albaric
o’Eastbrook (current Bardic Champion of Blatha An Oir)
contact info: garethbard@gmail.com

Daffodil Archery Tournament: Lady Eibhlin inghean
contact info: scribe@blathaanoir.org

General site and
event information:

Site open to merchants and event staff/volunteers Friday 3pm.

**** Tent fee is for the whole weekend!!! YAY!!!!

fee PER NIGHT, as long as you are willing to pay for the extra
evening camping is available.

General public: Camping available both Friday and Saturday

Gate opens Saturday morning at 8:00am closes before evening

Site closed Sunday at 1pm, everyone must be packed up so that event
team can have the site cleaned by 3pm

Site Fee:
Adult: $15
NMS: $5
17 and under: Free with legal guardian (remember to bring waivers
found on sca.org)
Instructors: $10
Camping fee: This site has a $10 tent fee, a $15 dry RV camping
fee, and a $20 wet RV camping fee. There is no camping fee per
person, just PER TENT. Open pavilions do not count towards a tent

This site has bathrooms AND showers. It is discreetly wet, please
keep all alcohol within period/period-esque containers. Fires are
allowed within fire pits only, and must not be left unattended at
any time. Ashes/partially burned wood must be removed from site,
there is no dumping area for them. DO NOT PUT ASHES IN TRASH CANS.
Please be sure to have a bucket of water and fire extinguisher
handy near any open flames. We will be using the Alpenhaus, which
has a small kitchen area and electricity with a sink, fridge, and
stove/oven. If you wish to use these facilities please talk to the
event steward first. You will also be required to clean up after
yourself in the kitchen, please don’t leave dirty dishes in the

******For anyone showing up Friday!!!!!!!!!! Our
first priority MUST be setting the ranges up and making sure safety
areas are set before any campers or activity tents can be set up.
Please be patient, or if you are willing, volunteering to help with
this process will enable us to allow everyone to set up much
faster. Thank you!!

It may be a smidge damp this weekend, at least on Friday for
set-up. If you have never camped in WA before, sleeping off the
ground on a cot is a lot more comfy than on the ground. Air
mattresses can be heat sinks and make for a very cold night. If
nothing else, have layers of blankets UNDER you as well as on top.
See you all soon! My tent is the purple and green viking tent, I’ll
either be setting up stuff or sitting at gate.

Dress in layers!!!!!!!! The forecast for Saturday and Sunday is
very promising, and I am so excited!!!!



I want to extend a warm welcome and thank you to our merchants
who have signed up to come and offer their wonderful wares to the
populace of Blatha An Oir and our guests!!

Their names and an idea of what you might find there:

The Norse Gypsy Forge – Drinking Horns
Sidhefire Arts – Pottery
Imaginary Closet – costume items/garb
Burnt Village Wares – Items of the Norse persuasion
Temple Caffeina- delicious delicious coffee
American Metal Works – Chain Maille jewelry, Garb, accessorries

Please stop by their booths and check out what they have! Each
of these amazing vendors have agreed to donate an item to our
archery tournament.

Contact merchant-crat for all info if you wish to vend at this

Merchants are asked to donate largesse as a prize for the Daffodil
Tourney in lieu of a site fee!

Merchant-crat: HL Alizand Thorgeirsson
contact info: alizaunde@gmail.com

Celtic Bardic
Championship Information:

***Entry into Celtic Bardic is now closed, we have three
contestants and we are very excited to see them perform! Come watch
and help cheer on those competing for the Championship!

Competition will take place Saturday Evening before court
and will be performed before Her Majesty, Queen Driffina, Their
Excellencies of Blatha An Oir, the current Champion, and the
general public

All competitors must show proficiency in at least 2 out of the 4
following categories:

Vocal (filk allowed)

STORYTELLING: (Oral tradition)
Original (yours)
Source (Someone else’s)
Joke or humorous

Song (filk allowed)

Acrobatics (tumbling)

Categories can be combined, eg: Write a story, poem, or song and
then perform it. Extra points will be awarded for each additional
category performed.
Documentation will not be required, but extra points will be
awarded to anyone who provides it, including any oral documentation
in the Bardic tradition. 

All pieces should be performed in a period or periodesque

For any questions regarding the competition, contact HL Gareth
Albaric o’Eastbrook.

Archery Tournament Information: 

General Archery range will be open at 9am-5pm and Thrown Weapons
ranges will be open roughly 10am-5pm Saturday for a variety of
activities including Royal Rounds and IKAC. A separate range will
be open for novelty shoots held throughout the day. 

Wooded Trail

Take a walk on a shady wooded path while you hunt mythical beasties
and their treasure! Shoot balloons attached to targets to acquire a
creature’s treasure. Score sheets can be picked up and turned in at
the novelty range.


10:30am-12pm: Blind Shoot
Can you hit a target you can’t see? Shoot through a visual block at
your target and test your muscle memory.

1pm-3pm: Hunt on the Run
Critters abound and your help is needed to tame the population!
Once you start this hunt you stay on the move throughout the
course. Can you hit a target while moving?

3:30pm-5pm: TBD

Embers and
Ambrosia Class information:

Visual schedule has been posted on the event page on Facebook and
the Baronial Webpage! Descriptions will be listed here of each
class, some with email contacts for instructors. If no email is
listed, contact event steward at erin_dolphin@hotmail.com

General Drop-in areas and demos:

Open demo area for cooking with Mistresses Laurellen, Madrun,
and Gwen the Potter

Youth oriented classes with our Family Activities officer, the
Youth activities listed in the schedule is a start-off point, don’t
hesitate to drop by the bardic area to see what is going on!

Open scribal area with Lady Tasia indoors


Elizabethan Embroidery: Ladder Stitch
Instructor: HL Elizabeth FittzWilliam
Email: at fittzwm@hotmail.com
Class size: Materials for 8 students. Onlookers are fine, but I
will not be able to instruct them.
Class Fee: $3 for materials/handout
Description: In many later period and Elizabethan embroidered
items, swirling vines anchored many motifs, with plaited stitches
filling the space. One such stitch is often referred to as ‘ladder
stitch’. Using a large format, we will learn the stitch. Teacher
will provide most materials. Basic sewing kit is always helpful

Persona Developement
Instructor: HE
Yusuf Ja’bar al Timbuktuwwi, HL Zahra bint-al Rammah, and HL
Angharat Verch Reynulf
Instructor contact info: Contact event steward with questions
Class Size: 10-20
Class Length: 1 hour
Cost or supplies needed: Paper and pen for notetaking, chair
Description: Tips for Persona development from various areas of
interest. The three leaders of this discussion are 12th century
Spanish (Moorish), Italian Renaissance, and 14th Century

Beginning Lamp Worked beads
Classes taught by HE Maricka Sigrunsdotter
Cost $20.00 per person (materials and supplies)
max: 4 students per class
Time of class 2 hours
Learn how to make beads! This is an introductory class on how to
make hand lamp worked beads. If you have never made beads before
and want to learn how, this is the class for you! Class will cover
safety, what basic materials are used to make beads, materials and
tools definitions, a demo on how to make a bead and then we will
work together to make beads of your own! You get to keep all of the
beads you make! This class is for someone that has never made beads
before but has an interest on learning how.


Overview of Viking Age Clothing Patterning, Construction
and Embellishment

Meistara Reginleif in hárfagra / Karyn Criswell
This class covers the basics for patterning and constructing Viking
Age clothing, including the types of fibers, fabric weaves, and
stitches used to construct and finish garment seams and hems. A
range of embellishment techniques, such as embroidery, card
weaving, wire brocaded card weaving and possaments will be
discussed. Participants will walk away with a handout that provides
step-by-step instructions for patterning a tunic or caftan. The
class will be part lecture with plenty of room for questions and
Length: 1.5 hrs.
Suggested size limit: 16 (observers are welcome)
Cost for 14-page handout with bibliography: $2

Warrior Culture In Early Medieval Scandinavia

Instructor: HE Hengist Helgassone
Class Size: Open discussion group
Class Fee and Supplies: Free, bring a chair and pen/paper for notes
if you wish
Description: This class will deal with the evolution of the ruling
elite in Scandinavia from the fall of Rome to the beginning of the
Viking era.

Chain Maille
Instructor: THL Diana Cartier
Class size: Limit of 10.  
Class fee: $5 for materials
Description: Learn how to create basic chain maille! We will be
doing a project, so there will be a $5 fee for supplies and the
project they will finish and take with them. Instructor will be
supplying the pliers to use, so they just need to show up.
 Onlookers are fine.  Instructor is willing to conduct
impromptu classes at her campsite, with individuals, if anyone is


Oral Arts of the North: Part 1
Instructor: Dr. Elisabeth Ward, author of Vikings: The North
Atlantic Saga
Class Size: Open class
Cost or Supplies needed: Free, pen and paper for notes and to write
down compositions
Description: Before Television, Radio, Movies, Theatre, printed
books, opera, and all the other mass spectacles of the Industrial
Age, people entertained each other with verbal skills:
Storytelling, poetry, song. In this class, participants will learn
about the categories and subcategories of the poems and
storytelling genres used by the Germanic tribes, passed down
through the Viking Age, and written down in Iceland  years
ago. Common kennings and different rhyming rules will be discussed
in this first class, with participants invited to compose their own
poems. See part two for storytelling and the sagas.

Marshalling 101
Instructor: Baron Aleksii Konstantinovich Chernoi, Knight of
An Tir
Length: 1 hour
Class size: Open, non-fighters encouraged to attend
Description:This class will be one hour in duration, and is
centered on teaching the newcomer just starting in the martial arts
the elementary steps it takes to become a warranted junior heavy
fighting marshal. An outline of the An Tir Book of Combat will be
handed out, and copies will be available to peruse during the
class. There will be a hands-on demonstration on performing armor
inspections, weapons inspections, and the students will be guided
through mock combats where they will learn the proper ways to keep
the fighters and the spectators safe.

Instructor: HL Disa i Birkilundi
Class Size: 5
Duration: 2 hours
Cost or Supplies needed: $5
Description: Posament is an embellishment technique found in Birka
using coiled wire formed into knots. We will discuss knot
techniques and you will go home with an instructional booklet
showing you how to create all the period posament that has been

Rectangular Construction: Tunics and Coats

Instructor: Dame Laurellen de Brandevin
Class length: about 1 hour
Class Size: 10
Cost or Supplies needed: Handout is $1, pen and paper
Description: Rectangular construction is as ancient as weaving
itself and based, for the most part, on the linear characteristics
of fabric. Garments are typically loose fitting rather than form
fitting but can involve some tailoring. Rectangular-style
constructed garments can be found throughout the SCA period and are
a useful way of creating a garment with very little waste. This
class is a demo on how and where to measure the body to create the
pattern, how to cut and construct the garment, and some useful
tricks. Handout provided. Maximum students: 10.


Mask Making using Rigid Wrap
Instructor: HL Volk the Grey  
Email: volkthegray@comcast.net
Class size: 1-5. Onlookers are encouraged.
Cost or supplies needed: Pen and paper
Description: Learn how to create masks using Rigid Wrap

Heavy Fighting: Mini-tournament
Baron Aleksii Konstantinovich Chernoi, Knight of An Tir
Class Size: Open for all fighters
Supplies: Bring armor, shields, and weapons
Description: This will be a mini-tournament or a time to work on
fighting technique, depending on number of fighters present. Come
learn strategies for fighting in a heavy tourney, work on
technique, and practice marshalling learned in the previous

Patterning Medieval Hose
Instructor: HL Angharat verch Reynulf
Class size: 1-5
Cost or supplies: Pencil and paper.
Description: Do you want to wear linen or woolen hose for that more
period look (and be cooler in both look and comfort)? Learn some
basic patterning tips, trace a template for fitting to your legs
and see some examples of period embellishments.

Aglets 101: Aglet construction for

Instructor: HL Francis
Email: guy@wyrdrune.com
Number of students: 1-5
Cost or Supplies: Free, bring your own metal sewing awl, that you
use to make eyelets. I can provide the other tools for up to 5. If
you want to bring your own tools, you should also bring a small
pair of smooth nosed pliers (no teeth) and a light-weight
Description: Would you like to learn to create aglets? You know,
those metal pointy things that go on the ends of laces and make
lacing up your garments easier? I can show you how to make your
own, it’s amazingly simple AND cheap!


Oral Arts of the North: Part

Instructor: Dr. Elisabeth Ward, author of Vikings: The North
Atlantic Saga
Class Size: Open class
Cost or Supplies needed: Free, pen and paper for notes and to write
down compositions
Description: Before Television, Radio, Movies, Theatre, printed
books, opera, and all the other mass spectacles of the Industrial
Age, people entertained each other with verbal skills:
Storytelling, poetry, song. In this class, participants will learn
about the categories and subcategories of the poems and
storytelling genres used by the Germanic tribes, passed down
through the Viking Age, and written down in Iceland  years
ago. See above for part 1, in the second class storytelling,
especially the sagas, will be examined with participants learning
about the typical structure of a saga and some of the unique ways
sagas develop character, narrate the story, create foreshadowing,
and move the plot forward. It is very different than modern

Fighting Theory: 100 Things to Make you
Instructor: Count Savaric Coeur-de-Lion, Knight
of An Tir
Class Size: Open
Cost or Supplies: Chair and a note pad/pen
Description: Description: 100 things to make you 1% better.
Bring a chair and a note pad. “100 things” is an exploration and
discussion of the concept of identifying and implementing small
changes that will impact your performance on the list field.
Looking for the easiest way to make small improvements can add up
to large improvements in your game. We will discuss the concept
itself and then review my list as an example. I have organized my
list in to three categories: things you can do at home, things you
can do at practice, and things you can do at events. This class has
been created for armored combat tournaments but most of the
material transfers to rapier fighting as well. 
German Smallclothes: the

SCA Name: HL Gera Gangolffin, courtier of Madrone
Email: jerimrl@gmail.com
Number of students you feel comfortable to teach at one
time: 8
Description of class: (Include any fees or materials that your
students need to bring, if it is appropriate for teens,
etc.) 2 hour class. Appropriate for teens and adults with
basic knowledge of sewing skills.
Items you may need from the event steward (example: electricity,
water, etc.) A couple of big folding tables for work surfaces,
chairs for participants
Description: Let’s talk about underwear! We’ll survey
German women’s undergarments from the 1475-1565 time frame.
We’ll review different styles, creating patterns you can take away
and work with. We’ll also discuss embellishment options, as German
noblewomen rarely wore plain hems, and if time permits we’ll
dive into instructions for smocking and pleat work.

The Six Board Box
SCA name:
HL Alasdair Mac Roibert
A look at a simple woodworking project that can be done on a
Description: Class will be a demonstration with hand-outs. We will
cover the six board box construction, and finishing ideas. We will
also discuss some of the variations to the basic box as well as
other types of boxes if time allows. No class fee, no size limit.
Please bring note taking materials and a chair.


Viking Age Pants
Instructor: Maistara Reginleif in Harfagra/Karyn Criswell
Length of Class: 1 hour
Class Size: 16
Cost or supplies needed: Free, Pencil and paper
This class will provide an overview of the cut and construction of
pants that may have existed during the Viking Age. We’ll review
pre-Viking Age finds, such as the Thorsberg trousers and the Viking
Age Pumphose pants found at Haithabu. We will also touch on leg and
foot coverings. The handouts include directions for constructing
your own pair of pumphose.

Roman Bow Brooches

Instructor: Dame Laurellen de Brandevin 
Length of class: about 1 hour
Class size: 5 students
Cost and Supplies: Handout is $1, Pen and Paper for notes
Description: More properly known as “fibula,” Roman Bow Brooches
served both a decorative and utilitarian purpose. These brooches
can be found throughout Europe and date from the 1st through the
4th centuries. This class focuses on creating the components of a
Roman Bow Brooch and how they all fit together. Tools 

Meade Making

Instructor: Herger (Alan DeKoster)
Instructor Contact Info: alandekoster@embarqmail.com
Class size: 20+
Class Length: 1 hour
Cost or Supplies needed: Pen and paper for notes
Description: The basics of Meade Making explained! 21+ only


Baron and Baroness Coronet Discussion
Instructor: Led by HE Yusuf Ja’bar al Timbuktuwwi, with other
former Blatha An Oir Coronets
Class size: Discussion group, anyone who wishes to come listen
Cost or Supplies: Chair/pen and paper if desired
Description: Former Landed Coronets of the barony discuss their
experience as leaders of a barony. Open discussion with questions
welcome. Come to get to know the men and woen who have helped shape
our Barony into what it is today! 


This page for event id 6492 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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