Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ansetrude Rhodebeortsdottir
Date: September 27 , 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 27th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Masonic Lodge
975 N. Pheonix Rd.
Medford, OR 97504
.Eggburt’s Feast and GateKeeper’s
Shire of Myrtleholt Grants Pass, OR
Sept. 27, 2003
The Shire of Myrtleholt invites all to join them for a
Wondrous day.
Events to include:
* Prize Tourney
* Arts and Sciences Competition “Persona Story”
* Bardic Competition “Songs, Stories, or Poems of
Eggburt or the Keeper of the Gate”
* Entertainers
*Feast by a Grand Chef of Meridies and her pupil
For complete rules on any competition or other
questions go to: www.geocities.com/myrtleholt/eggburts
or contact the autocrat: Ansetrude Rhodebeortsdottir, (MKA
Michelle Wetmore), 1400 Rogue River Hwy #4, Grants Pass, OR
97527, (541) 956-1682, ansetrude@yahoo.com
Feast questions: Lady Felicity of the TrueLayne, (MKA Becky
Perkins), (541) 830-6850, bec9209@hotmail.com (please
put Eggburts in the subject line or it may be deleted)
Site info: The event will be held at the Mason’s Hall,
975 N. Pheonix Rd, Medford, OR 97504.COMPLETELY DRY SITE.
Site opens at 10AM, closes 11PM. Armor checks/lists begin at
1PM, feast begins at 5PM.
Fees: Feast- $8.50, children 7-12- $4, under 7
No feast-$4.50. There will be a surcharge of $3 for
non-members. Make checks payable to SCA,Inc, Shire of
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