Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Solveig Tryggvadottir
Date: January 28 , 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on January 28th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Lion’s Park Field House
SE Larch St & SE 8th
College Place, WA 99324
COURT OF LOVE – Love’s Just Desserts
JANUARY 28, 2006
Join the Canton of Akornebir for it’s annual celebration of courtly
love and much more! ROMANCE: Ladies: Have you been thwarted in love?
Has your lord been less than attentive or lacking in chivalry this
past year? Bring your just complaints to court and let your lord
receive his just desserts. DEEDS OF DARING: Come cheer our fighters
as they vie for the title of Canton Rapier Champion, and our crafty
folk as they vie for the title of Canton Arts and Science Champion.
Contestents may enter either an arts or science project that has not
been entered in previously years. Documentation must accompany your
entry. Entries will be judged by populace.
CHIVALRY: Lords and Ladies: Pay tribute to your “inspiration” by
preparing and presenting to the court, a dessert (chocolate is period
for this) that embodies the attributes of the one who is your ideal
(remember, this is a family event). COOKING: Who is the best period
cook? Adults and smalls; prepare and enter any dessert recipe from
the Sabina Welserin Cookbook available online at:
FEASTING: Canton will supply main (meat) dish, bread and cheese.
Populace: Bring side dishes, salads, etc.
Event starts at 9 a.m. Closes at 10 p.m.
Feast starts at 5:30 p.m.
Location: College Place Lyons Park, 8th and Larch St. College Place, WA
Site is semi-dry. No alcohol inside, discretely wet outside.
Site Fee: $12 Adults (Non-members add $3) , $6 Children (under 12), Kids
under 5 free. Family Cap: $35.
Directions: From Tri-cities: Make your way to Hwy 12: Traveling east
towards Walla Walla , Exit on Gose Rd. and proceed South through
College Place. Turn left on 8th St. Park is at 8th and Larch. From
Hwy 125: Exit on College Ave. Turn right on 8th St. Proceed to Larch.
Autocrat: HL Solveig Tryggvadottir (mka) Peggy Backlund
705 Irene St. Walla Walla, WA 99362
(509) 529-6770 backlund@wwics.com
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