Court of Love


Hosted by Device of Akornebir

The Canton of Akornebir (Walla Walla, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rebekkah Thorne
Date: February 22 , 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 22th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Private Property
2428 Coppei Rd Waitsburg, WA 99361

Come, gentles all, to Akornebir’s Court of Love! Once again
we will be determining the Canton’s Rapier Champion with a
tournament, and the floor will also be opened from 11 am to 1
pm for indoor heavy fighting absolutely NO
. Instructional classes TBA, board games, Pied
Piper activities, a dance workshop and dancing, plus feasting
in the evening.

The ever-popular Cooking Contest returns this year. Any
period food containing a medieval aphrodisiac as an
ingredient may be entered. Main, side, and desert dishes are
welcome! The event will include an Arts and Sciences
competition, the Smalls’ Illuminating (coloring) Contest, the
Best Court of Love Presentation contest, and the traditional
Deflower the Maiden game. The Canton is collecting feast gear
and Gold Key items. Donations are welcome and encouraged.

Site fee will be $8 ($11 for non-members), ages 5-15 years
$4. There will be a $30 cap on fees for member families.
Please make checks payable to “Canton of Akornebir, SCA Inc.”
Please bring a potluck contribution to serve 7-10 people. The
Canton will provide bread and cheese.

The site, the College Place Lions Club Memorial Hall, will
open at 11 am and close at 9 pm. The hall is DRY, but alcohol
is permitted in the park surrounding.

Autocrat: For more information, contact
Rebekkah Thorne (mka Laura Schulz) at (509) 526-8016 or email

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