

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Liesl von Katzenheim
Date: February 7 , 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 7th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Mountain View Middle School
2400 Perry Ave. Bremerton, WA 98310

It is time to celebrate the transition from the long winter
into the new beginnings of spring.  It is also time to
challenge our people to find a new Arts & Sciences

Once again, the South Sound Campus of the University of Ithra
is pleased to offer classes in conjunction with Dragon’s
Laire’s Candlemas event.  These are primarily
hands-on.  We are delighted to welcome the Kingdom Arts
and Sciences Champion, Isabeau Fitchet, as a teacher at this
session.  Her classes were extremely popular at
September Crown, so if you missed out then, now’s your
chance. Online registration is now available at  You will also
find site  information, fees and class descriptions

A fighter practice will begin at 11am.

There will be a soup lunch available onsite; $2 for a bowl of
soup and roll.

The gate will open 9am and the site will close at 10pm. 
This is a dry site.  Gate fee is $10 for adults; $5 for
ages 6-17; free for 5 and under.  Non-member surcharge
is in effect.  Feast tickets are $8 for adults; $4 for
ages 6-17; free for 5 and under.  Checks should be made
payable to “SCA Inc- Dragon’s Laire”.  The feast
reservations deadline is Friday, January 23, 2009. **
extended through Ursulmas weekend


Autocrat:  HL Liesl von Katzenheim
(Elizabeth Crockett) 2504 Stone Way, Bremerton, WA 
98310 425-941-0130;
Autocrat team:  Master Andras Truemark and
Lady Elisabeth Trostin

Feastocrat:  HL Raffaella di Contino

Feast Reservations:  HL Aelianora de

A&S Championship contact:  HL
Pernell Camber

This page for event id 5060 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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