Hosted by
The Shire of Briaroak (Roseburg, Douglas County, OR )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Fionnabhar ni' Ciaran
Date: February 6 , 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 6th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Pine Grove Community Church
1729 Buckthorn Road
Roseburg, OR 97470
Come join the
Shire of Briaroak for a day of fun, fighting, and feasting at our
Briaroak Birl on Saturday, February 6. The fun begins with the
Carlos of Briaroak Memorial Tournament. You can also participate in
the A&S Championship, Bardic Championship or the Rapier
Championship or test your aim and your arm at the thrown weapons
range. The day’s frivolity will conclude with court and a delicious
feast. Please visit the unofficial Facebook event page for
updates (
Briaroak welcomes all who wish to compete in our annual A&S
Please read through the following to find out how…
Theme: Oldly New To You
This year’s championship is about inspiring artisans of the
Shire and
across the Summits to go out and learn a period art or craft. As
competitor, this art or craft must be something haven’t known how
to do
before. It may be something you’ve known about, but just haven’t
a chance to get on with learning. Well this is your chance…
This will be a two entry competition:
Entry #1:
The first entry will be a period piece with documentation. The
documentation can be written, a picture, or other form of proof
that the
entry is historically accurate. Any genre of A&S creation is
allowed for
this entry.
Entry #2:
You must be prepared to teach an introductory class on the
art or craft that you learned over the 6 months in advance of the
of the championship. The class will be given on the day of the
of Briaroak Birl 2016, and will have at a minimum the Current
A&S Champion,
the other judges, and any other people who wish to take the class
who are
at the event.
The class should be about an hour long, though this is a bit
flexible depending on content.
It is reasonable that perhaps a small materials fee will be
required of the students.
The class must be able to be taught at the Briaroak Birl facility
during the event.
This entry will be judged on the teacher’s preparation, ability to
teach the material,
and how well the instructor manages to get all the students started
on the art/craft.
And as a special category, points will be awarded for how long it’s
been since this art/craft
has been taught in Briaroak’s borders at an event. Points will be
awarded in this category
based on years since last class. 1 point for a year or less, up to
10 points for 10 years
or longer, perhaps never before.
Other Rules regarding Entries:
– As the intent is for you to have learned something new, Entries
not have been entered into any other A&S competition within the
SCA before.
– Entries must be the work of the entrant alone
– Entries may contain materials that are not period, however, the
entrant must be able to discuss why they chose that/those
– Performance work (bardic, musical performances, etc) are
acceptable as they too are “Arts”; entrants must provide music
scores for performance works, and be prepared to teach said
performance piece in their class to perhaps tone-deaf or musically
challenged students.
– Entrant must be ready to discuss their methods, materials, and
other details of their entries.
Other rules regarding Entrants:
– Entrants must not be a current A&S Champion from another SCA
– Entrant must be a current resident of the Summits
– Entrants must file “intent to enter” to Briaroak’s A&S
Champion (HL David de Rosier-Blanc) before January 15th, 2016
and submit a brief description of their entries will be and a brief
class description for publication
with other information about the Briaroak Birl 2016 event.
Letter of Intent should be emailed to
Letters of intent will allow coordinating Judging resources.
Any questions should be posed to the current champion, HL David
de Rosier-Blanc
(mka David Bianco, on Facebook, or at for
or to MoAS of Briaroak, Master Brizio
(mka Brian Brown, on Facebook or at for
Come on come all, come to vie for the coveted position of
Briaroak’s Bardic Champion, a contest to be held at Briaroak Birl!
The focus for this year’s championship is showmanship. That is,
don’t just pick your pieces, stare at the paper or floor as you
read/sing them, and sit down. Put on a show! Focus on engaging with
your audience and getting them drawn in to your song, story, dance,
etc. I think the bardic arts are a wonderful thing, and so
much more so when the joy that the
bard feels for his/her craft can be conveyed to those watching. So
let’s convey the joy!
The details:
*Please prepare two pieces- they can be different styles of bardic
(song, dance, story, poem, etc.) or the same. Historical or
original, individual or interactive, serious, comedic, filk, or any
other genre you like. Pick two pieces that you think can best work
with your style of showmanship.
*A BRIEF verbal explanation/documentation is appreciated. Pieces do
not need to be historically documented, but do tell us the
inspiration for the piece, why you chose it, etc.
*As you prepare, remember to focus on showmanship- have confidence
in your pieces and it will show. If it’s fun for you, it will be
fun for your audience.
*Performances will be judged on quality (how well did you sing,
dance, act, etc.) and showmanship (how well did you *perform* the
pieces and engage your audience).
*Please send an e-mail to current champion Aelis de la Rose
( to let her know your intent (a quick “Hi, I’d
like to enter!” is sufficient), as well as if you have any
The time for the rapier championship has come. Let
all those who wish to fight for this honor join me in the field and
test their skills. This years format is as follows:
The tourney shall be a double round robin, each fighter shall
hold the field against all opponents. However, as each bout is
finished the fighter holding the field shall switch weapons and
offhands with the fighter exiting the field. For example, Fighter A
is holding the field and starts with their sword and dagger,
Fighter B enters the field with sword and cloak. Once the fight is
complete Fighter A will now be using the sword and cloak of Fighter
B to face off against Fighter C and so on. Should a fighter be
unauthorized in a set of offhands they may use their original
offhand until another fighter enters the field with an offhand they
can use.
The finals will be fought to best three out of five bring your
This page for event id 6444 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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