Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Shaughnessy O'Brennan
Date: September 18 , 2003 until September, 22 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 18th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 22th 2003
Event site:
Northwest Equestrian Center
10048 Highway 507
Rainier, WA 98576
Autumn War 2003
Sept. 18-22, 2003
NEW SITE***Northwest Equestrian Center Tenino, WA***NEW SITE
Welcome to Valhalla!
What is Valhalla? You fight and kill your friends all day, then drink and sing with them at night. Sounds like Autumn War to me!
Come and join the Barony of Blatha an Oir for one of the finest wars of the season. This year we will be having a fun look at Norse Warfare. Homeganda, PVC Boat Battles, Raids, and the best and worst dressed Valkerie competition.
Cry havoc and let slip the wiener dogs of war! The war dog races will again awe and inspire spectators.
Many more competitions will be happening, including the memorial woodworking contest and the memorial rapier tourney. Check the Autumn War web site at www.autumnwar.org for updates
Pre-registration opens on July 10 and closes September 1. Pre-registration is not required (except for merchants), but is strongly recommended to minimize your time at the gate. Pre-reg will be available on-line at the web site as well as downloadable forms. Pre-reg will also be available at select events.
Autocrat: HL Shaughnessy O?Brennan Lori Burtis 253-474-9484 autocrat@autumnwar.org.
Merchants? Contact: HL Rioghnach ni Ceardhballain 206-235-5039 merchantcrat@autumnwar.org.
Camp and Site Autocrat: Lord Elon of Ravensglass 253-536-5615 sitecrat@autumnwar.org.
Pre-Registration: HL Charles de Beaumont 253-631-4652 register@autumnwar.org.
All households greater than 5 gentles should have their representative contact Elon to reserve land. Land reservations will only be accepted after site pre-registration is received.
War Scenarios: Baron Sven Redbeard 253-536-9924 baron@blathaanoir.org.
Got an idea for a contest or sick, twisted, and wrong activity?
Mistress of Mayhem and Merriment: Lady Resha Longtooth mayhem@autumnwar.org.
Site fee is $15 for adults, $10 for youths 5-17 yrs., children up to 5 years of age are free. Family Cap is $45 for up to 2 adults and minor children at the same modern address. Day fee is $8. Site Opens at 3:00 on Thursday Sept 18 and Closes 5:00 on Monday Sept 22.
A $3 surcharge will be assessed for each adult non-member. You must be a member of the SCA on September 18th, 2003 to avoid the Non-Member Surcharge.
This is a primitive site, bring your own water, as water is limited. There will be no ground fires or tiki torches allowed. Above ground braziers will be permitted provided no burn bans are in effect. Check the web site as the event approaches Pets must be on leash under owner?s control. Proof of Vaccinations Required
This page for event id 3593 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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