Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Giana Visconti
Date: October 18 , 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 18th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Columbia County Event Complex
58892 Sauiser Rd.
St. helens, OR 97051
Autumn fast approaches, bringing with it the time for indoor
amusements. To help welcome the season, I
would like to invite everyone to Autumn Masque—A Fancy
Dress Revel, Rapier Tournament and A&S Championship (see
separate announcement for Championship details).
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008
Time: 12 p.m.-9 p.m.; rapier tourney at 2
Place: Columbia County Fairgrounds, Pavilion Bldg.,
58892 Saulser Rd., St. Helens, OR
Fees: Adults $7, Youths/Children ages 3-16
$5, Under 3 free; $3 non-member surcharge does apply
Join us for a vast array of pleasures and
entertainments—a masque (short play), a rapier
tournament, a decorated rapier helmet contest, the Golden
Torc design contest, live music, dancing, a decorated mask
competition, bardic presentations, games, a potluck
finger-food feast, and the Three Mountains Arts and Sciences
Championship, (notice of intent needed by September 30; items
in progress are welcome; please see the Three Mountains
website for more info). And of course
there’s always relaxing and visiting with friends.
Our Feast Director is HL Morwenna
Pengrech. For the feast, the Barony will
provide main dishes and bread. Please
bring a finger food side dish to share with the crowd!
Golden Torc Contest
Format is 8.5″ x
Leave space for
Leave a 2.5 inch circular space
for the seal
Leave 1 inch border around
the piece
This is a people’s
choice contest. There will be a $20.00 Art Media gift
certificate for first, second and third place. The winner
will be announced in court. Voting will begin at 3:00 PM and
end when the feast begins.
We hope to see you at the Masque!
In Service,
HL Giana Visconti
For questions about the event contact HL
Giana Visconti, autocrat: GianaVisconti
[at] comcast.net
For questions about the feast, contact HL Morwenna, feast
director: mkjoyce [at] hotmail.com
For questions about the A&S Championship contact Lady
Qaratani, A&S Minister: qaratani [at] gmail.com or Their
Excellencies (address below)
Send letters of intent to Their Excellencies Alfric and Jill:
alfricandjill [at]comcast.net or call them at 503-408-1376
For questions about the Golden Torc competition, contact HL
Eleanor de Sackville: cknutson3 [at] aol.com
Three Mountains website:
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