Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Eglyntine Merryweather
Date: November 14 , 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 14th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
First Christian Church
2000 Kessler Blvd
Longview, WA 98632
Greetings! Once
again, autumn is upon us, and we gather to celebrate the abundance
of harvest. The theme this year is “Grains”. Following
tradition, we will have NO SITE FEE. We encourage our
neighbors to come and enjoy a laid back afternoon and a
potluck feast with us. Classes will be offered, as well as outdoor
space for heavy fighting,
Fencing and
thrown weapons (weather permitting and marshals available). We will
have a Subtlety contest, with the winner to be announced at
the feast. Our Glaukhaus board with be available for those who wish
to play this period game. Several classes are being taught,
most of them on the theme of grains. We plan to offer Wheat
Weaving, Ottoman Rice Pudding, a brewing class, and (we hope)
a class on making a simple Farmer’s cheese. We will be able to
have a talk on the use of hawks and hounds for hunting in period,
courtesy of members of Hunt Guild.
For the last couple years we
ended up with a number of people who brought their textile projects
to work on, and we had quite a fine circle of weaving,
spinning, and other fiber arts. Our shire’s Arts & Sciences
Champion, HL Rosamond Winder has offered to host a “Spinner’s
social”, just a time to sit and chat and explore spinning. She
has offered to teach beginners how to use a drop spindle, and
will have a variety of less common fibers so that people can play
around with them and see how they work. I would like to
encourage anyone who wants to bring their handiwork to come
and share it. Musicians are entirely welcome to come and
play, alone, together or whatever.
have decided to do a Silent Auction as a fund raiser for our Thrown
Weapons equipment, which has seen a lot of use this year. It
was suggested to us as a way to bring to downsize our SCA closets
by bringing usable items that someone else might have a need
Site opens
at 9:00. Lunch is from 12-1, and will be available onsite to
purchase for $4.00 (soup, bread and dessert). The feast
will start at 5:00.
For dinner,
please bring enough for your party plus 8. Contributions by
modern last name are as follows: A-D=Desserts, E-K=Side Dishes,
L-S= Main Dishes, T-Z= Fruit/Cheese/Salad
Saffron Pudding, by HL Kanzara of Samarqand. No cost.
Class limit 8. Upstairs kitchen.
Cheese making class. Awaiting confirmation.
Weaving, by HL Kattera Giese. Cost $5.00, Class
limit 7-8. Main floor classroom.
up Silent Auction. This will run during most of the day.
Primer on Small Beers and Other Naturally Carbonated Non-Alcoholic
Drinks of the Middle Ages by Lord Jean-Pierre
Colbert Touche au Tout. Cost $5.00 (2-3
hours) Upstairs kitchen
Social by HL Rosamond Winder No cost. Bring
your own spindle. Main Hall.
Noble Hunt by Avery and Stephanie MacLeod
for the Subtlety Contest. All entries must be in by this time.
Theme is Grains.
Silent Auction results
schmooze, sing, clean-up.
Stewardess: HL Eglentyne Merryweather, like4read@yahoo.com or
call 360-425-4570. Unsleeping golem can take a message.
If you want to reserve a place in a class, please let me or the
teacher know.
This page for event id 6450 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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