Hosted by
The Canton of Akornebir (Walla Walla, WA)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Iain MacMillan
Date: August 26 , 2005 until August, 28 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 26th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on August 28th 2005
Event site:
Private Property
2428 Coppei Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361
As the summer nears its end, we in the Canton of Akornebir turn our thoughts to the next year, the next season . . . and the NEXT GENERATION OF AN TIRIAN WARRIORS!!! Join us for three fun-filled days of fighting, classes, feasting, and the first Akornebirian boffer war (Yes, that’s right, a boffer WAR) on Sunday!
Friday will have an open eric for practice during the day (closes at 6 PM). Saturday will include classes for all, an afternoon junior boffer tournament, a feast, and finally a torchlight heavy tournament (can’t let the kids have ALL the fun). Sunday will see our valiant senior boffer warriors take the field in a showdown of epic proportions: our first storybook boffer war!
Site fee is $15 adult, $9 children 4-16, and under 4 free. ($3 non-member surcharge will be charged.) Please make checks payable to “Canton of Akornebir, SCA Inc.”
Classes and schedules for the event are under development. Check back frequently for updates!
Saturday’s feast will be held around the famous Akornebir Pavilion. The Canton will be providing the main dishes. All are asked to bring dishes to whet the appetites and appease the palettes of their fellows. As a suggestion, based upon mundane last name, please bring:
A-G: Vegetables, Fruits, or Salads
H-N: Main or Side Dishes
O-Z: Desserts or Appetizers
Merchants are encouraged to attend, and will only be asked to donate a small contribution to the Akornebirian Prize Chest as merchant fee.
The site is discreetly wet (please remember that youth are in attendance). Gate will open at 1 PM on Friday, August 26 and close at 4 PM on Sunday, August 28. No open fires allowed on site.
Please contact the autocrat with any questions.
This page for event id 4277 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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