As You Like It / Disting Feast


Hosted in-person by Device of Akornebir

The Canton of Akornebir (Walla Walla, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Mairghread of Wastekeep
Date: February 1 , 2025
Site opens at: 10:00 AM on February 1th 2025
Site closes at: 6:00 PM

Event site:
Waitsburg Town Hall
121 N Main St Waitsburg, WA 99361

Site Information:

Waitsburg Town Hall

121 Main St. Waitsburg WA

No calls to the event steward after 9 PM please!

Event Fees: $20.00 18yo and up, $10 discount for SCA members

Feast Fee: $15 per person- Preregistration Necessary

Feast Signup

Feast Menu


IMPORTANT NOTICE:  As the floor has just been refinished in the Town Hall, they have asked that there be no wheels be used in the building. This means no wagons, dollies, wheeled armor bags, etc.

Please and Thank you.


Welcome to the New Year! The Canton of Akornebir is having their Disting Feast on February 1, 2025. Gate will open at 9 am. There will be an Arts and Sciences Championship and a Rapier Championship held on this day. There will be the Tavern Brawl and Skulduggery cloak to be won.

A wonderful German-themed feast around 1:30pm will be consumed. As we want to give the Feastcrats as much information as possible, you will need to pre-register for the feast.

We will have games, social time, and some words from Their Excellencies during Court. We would like to have a few classes, so if you can come and teach, please get in touch with HL Magdi Tynkere. Please bring yourselves, your feast gear, something to parch your thirst, and table decorations if you so desire.

We look forward to seeing you all very soon! Keep checking back for updates….

Steward- HL Mairghread of Wastekeep (Kim Rust on Facebook)

Feastcrat- HL Kaitlin of Wastekeep

Class Wrangler- HL Magdi Tynkere



8:30 am Finish set up

10 am Gate and Lists Open

11 am Opening Court

11:30 am Rapier Championship Tourney

Noon A&S Entry Deadline

1:00 pm Tavern Brawl (rapier fun)

2:30 pm FEAST

4:00 pm A&S Judging

4:00 pm Social/ Gaming time

5:30 pm Closing Court

7 pm Clean up and go home

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Has Classes
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities
Offers a feast or meal

See this event on Facebook

Add all events from Akornebir to your personal calendar (ical format)

Classes Offered

11:00 (or as soon after court as possible)
Origami Lucky Stars
Come hear the story of Hoshi and the Lucky Stars and learn to make your own folded Origami stars. This class is geared for kids and adults alike. All supplies are included in a take-home kit (I have enough for 20). Skill level is beginner.
By Lady Epona Ehwaz
Cord: practical, historically accurate, and easy to make! Come learn a little bit of the history of lucet cord making while also learning to make it yourself. The first 10 students will walk away with a handout, lucet, and a short length of finished cord.
1:00 (or as soon as the rapier tourney is finished)
Jogakbo is a patchwork style originating from Korea that was traditionally used to create bojagi – domestic wrapping cloths – from leftover scraps of fabric. In Jogakbo, small scraps of fabric are pieced together in a geometric pattern to create a larger cloth. All material will be provided, unless you want to bring some scrap fabrics from home.
By Yu San Mi

This page for event id 8670 was last updated: January 31, 2025
This event has completed its EIF form
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