The Kingdom of An Tir (Oregon, Washington, Northern Idaho, and British Columbia)
Hosted online byEvent Main Contact (Branch Seneschal): Attia Prima
Date: July 23 , 2022
Online meeting begins at: 10:00 AM on July 23th 2022
Online meeting ends at: 12:00 PM
This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Royal Presence - Queen
Royal Presence - Heirs
Is conducted online
Is an online meeting
Add all events from Kingdom of An Tir to your personal calendar (ical format)
Online connection information will be added closer to the event.
This page for event id 8069 was last updated: July 7, 2022
This event has not completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy