Hosted by
The Canton of Akornebir (Walla Walla, WA)
Hosted byEvent Main Contact (Branch Seneschal): Baroness Katherine of Akornebir
Date: April 1 , 2020
Online meeting begins at: 6:00 PM on April 1th 2020
Online meeting ends at: 7:00 PM
This is an online Business meeting.
The Canton of Akornebir welcomes you to their monthly business meeting.
To connect to this meeting online, you’ll need the following information: will let you join the teams meeting.
Please contact the individual above with any questions.
Just the standard monthly business meeting, with a squirrelly twist.
This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Is conducted online
Is an online meeting
Add all events from Akornebir to your personal calendar (ical format) will let you join the teams meeting.
This page for event id 7497 was last updated: March 27, 2020