Hosted by
The Barony of Adiantum (Eugene, Lane County, OR )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Garrack Northshadow
Date: September 10 , 2004 until September, 12 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 10th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 12th 2004
Event site:
Mohawk Loop Site
39638 Mohawk Loop
Marcola, OR 97454
Adiantum Summer Revel and Championship Tournament
Good day faire ladies and kind gentiles, I would like to welcome you the Barony of Adiantum! So come one, come all!! To the end of summer bash!! Whether you have come for the Celtic faire and Revelry, the Camping and games, Or the love and war! You will find what rings your bell, or helm! Nonstop action!!! It’s all available here! Championship Defender Tourneys will include: Heavy, Rapier, and Archery! Special!! Just in!!! Rapier Championship will be a 2 Round, Double Elimination event!! We will finish it with a 3rd round GRAND MELEE. Sergeantry Trials and other war-games will also be there!
For more indepth information and merchants preregistration form please see our website:
Autocrat: Garrak NorthShadow (mka Zeek Zielstorf) PO Box 71575, Eugene, Or 97401
Site Info: Private Property (Site is discreetly wet. HOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE!!!!)
Site Opens: September 10th @ Noon
Site Closes: September 12th @ 3pm
Site fee is: $10.00 (Non-member surcharge of $3.00 applies to adults), Children 6-14 $7.00, Under 6 Free
Make all checks out to SCA Inc, Baron of Adiantum
This page for event id 3974 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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