Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Juliana MacPherson
Date: May 14 , 2011 until May, 15 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 14th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 15th 2011
Event site:
SW Washington Fairgrounds
2555 North National Avenue
Chehalis, WA 98532
A Most Excellent
Join the Baronies of Glymm Mere and Blatha an Oir for a
2-day event at SW WA Fairgrounds 2555 N National
Ave Chehalis, WA 98532. Site opens Saturday 5/14 @ 9AM & closes
Sunday 5/15 @ 5PM.
Glymm Mere activities include Baronial Coronet step-down &
investiture, Shield of the Barony (heavy), Rapier & Archery
Championships, and Heavy & Rapier Prize Tourneys. An
indoor merchant’s row and hall for court
and classes ensure a warm & dry Mayfaire. Additional
information available at www.glymm-mere.org
Blatha an Oir will be holding its annual Daffodil Archery Shoot
at Mayfaire this year only. Activities include
Royal & IKAC rounds, box tourney, and novelty shoots, thrown
weapons & novelty throws. The autocrat for the Shoot is William
Conyan, who can be reached at conyan@comcast.net
The site boasts a 9,600 sq ft covered dirt-floor arena for heavy
and rapier fighting, a large outdoor archery space, a heated hall
for merchants, court and classes, with the potential for other
indoor activities. Other conveniences include on-site concessions,
ample permanent restrooms, and permanent showers. There is no tent
camping, but limited, on-site Saturday
night crash space in the heated hall and local hotels are
available. No camping in the rain! Contact Klus Hebenstraub at
to reserve crash space. Individual arrangements can be made
directly w/the Fairgrounds for RV camping & hookup for
Heavy fighters: Polish up your Best Period Armor and put on your
Best Surcoat because we have contests for fighters, experienced and
Best New!
Bards: Compose & perform an original song or poem on site to
win the accolade of a Baroness known for her sweet voice!
Be on your best behavior…as Chivalry on the field – and the
Sweetest Deed performed at Mayfaire – will be rewarded!
Stroll down our indoor Merchant’s Row. We have twelve merchants
with a variety of wares signed up for your shopping pleasure.
Additional information regarding merchants is posted to our website
at www.glymm-mere.org
Merchant space is limited; please contact
the Merchantocrat, HL Elonda Blue Haven elonda@towerr.com if you have any
questions. No food merchants, per fairgrounds’ request, but a food
concessions vendor will be on site both days.
Classes on Medieval Sauces, Bobbin Lace,
Assisi-Voided Cross Stitch, Wax Chandler (candles), Games, and
one for Newcomers will be offered in the hall. Additional
information regarding classes is posted below, If you are
interested in teaching a class indoors, please contact Kassandra of
Dragon’s Laire at alaricus@msn.com
Site is discreetly wet. No pets (except service animals) are
allowed. Chairs & bleacher seating are provided, but limited,
so chairs are welcome. Drive only on the roads. National Ave is a
one-way street. Site information at http://southwestwashingtonfair.net
Two-day site fees are $15 for adults, $10 for youths (9-17 yrs)
and free for children 8 yrs & under. Day trip fee for adults is
$10. A $5 non-member surcharge (NMS) applies. Make checks
payable to “SCA, Inc., Barony of Glymm Mere“.
Autocrats &
Team: Baroness Juliana
MacPherson (Tabatha Blacksmith) wolfnchant@comcast.net
Baron Wolfgang von Bremen metalpanzerwolf@gmail.com
Baroness Catriona nic Thearlaigh (Media & Hall Mistress)
Baron Walter of Minstead (Heavy Fighting) minstead@live.com
William Conyan (Daffodil Archery Shoot autocrat) conyan@comcast.net
Klus Hebenstraub (Rapier, Volunteers & Crash Space) nofoamnostixjuststeel00@yahoo.com
HL Elonda Blue Haven (Merchants) elonda@towerr.com
Kassandra of Dragon’s Laire (Classes) alaricus@msn.com
Mayfaire Schedule
Subject to change; please check back for
9:00AM Gate
9:00AM Archery
Range opens; Daffodil Archery Shoot
Armor inspection and Lists open for Heavy Prize Tournament
9:00 AM
Merchants Row opens (closed during Courts)
Opening Court (in 4-H Hall)
11:00AM/after Court Heavy
Prize Tournament
4-H Hall available for classes & indoor activities until
12:00PM Armor
inspection and Lists open for Rapier Prize Tournament
Rapier Prize Tournament
Archery Range closes
Early dinner break
Blatha an Oir Court (Daffodil
Shoot) (in 4-H Hall)
Final Court of Their Excellencies, Godric &
Kara (in 4-H Hall)
Royal/Evening Court; Coronets Step-Down &
Investiture (in 4-H Hall)
4-H Hall opens for revelry & general merriment
10:00PM 4-H
Hall opens for overnight crash space set-up
9:00AM Gate
re-opens; crash space closes
Archery Range opens
9:00 AM
Merchants Row opens (closed during Court)
4-H Hall available for classes & indoor activities until
9:30AM Armor
inspection and Lists open for Shield of Glymm Mere Tournament
Archery Defender Tournament
Armor inspection and Lists open for Rapier Championship
Shield of Glymm Mere Tournament
Rapier Championship Tournament
Closing Court (in 4-H Hall)
Merchant’s Row closes
Site closes
Mayfaire Classes (in 4-H
MAY 14
Bobbin Lace
Class/Demo by HL Kassandra of
Dragon’s Laire
Pre-registration by email at
before event is preferred, so teacher can
be prepared. Max. 6 students. If there are no students, I will do a
bobbin lace demo throughout the day. (3 hours)
Time: After Opening Court (11AMish) Cost: $2.00 (for hand
Newcomer’s Class/Information on the
SCA by Baron Yusuf Ja’bar
al Timbuktuwwi el galot
Time: After Opening Court (11AMish) (1 hour) No cost
Medieval Games
by Lady Isabella de
Brief overview of the role/history of games
in the middle ages and instruction on how to play 4-5 of the common
ones. (1 hour)
Time: Between courts (time
to be posted in the Hall) No cost
Assisi-Reverse Cross Stitch
or Voided Stitch by HL Kassandra of
Dragon’s Laire
Hands on cross stitch, back stitch, long
arm cross stitch and a simple pattern. Class will be Sat. if there
are no bobbin lace students. (1.5 hours)
Time: 1PM. Cost:
The Back Door or Women as Apprentice and
Strong Arm Tactics of the Waxchandler
by Kate Collins
Brief overview of guild policies aimed at quality control and role
of common women within the guild. (class length unknown)
Time: 1PM Cost: $1.00 Location: Kate’s merchant
Sauces by HL Elonda Blue
Information on preparation of medieval
sauces, hands on construction on several sauces. You may
pre-register by email at alaricus@msn.com
before event; spots will be
filled at the event on a first come/first served basis. Max.
8 students. Wear clothes to cook in. (2 hours)
Time: 2 – 4PM Cost: $3.00 (includes CD) Location: front
Medieval Games
by Lady Isabella de
Brief overview of the role/history of games
in the middle ages and instruction on how to play 4-5 of the common
ones. (1 hour)
Time: To be posted in the Hall No
Assisi-Reverse Cross Stitch
or Voided Stitch by HL Kassandra of
Dragon’s Laire
Hands on cross stitch, back stitch, long
arm cross stitch and a simple pattern. Class will be Sat. if there
are no bobbin lace students. (1.5 hours)
To be posted in the
Hall Cost:
Please stop by the
classroom to check for any changes or additions. You may sign-up
for classes by email at alaricus@msn.com
Please be on time for classes, and bring a
comfortable chair if you have one. Pay teachers at the time of
This page for event id 5536 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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