In the roving courts of King Athos and Queen Alianor these gentles were honored by Their Majesties.Friday, July 14, 2023Jane Eagle was presented the Griffe de LionAngharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd was honored as a WordsmithGracia Abrabanel was presented the Alimentum VitaeDagrun…
19 Jul 2023
Greetings to the Populace of An TirIn the year of AS LVIII, 15 th day of July, a great cheer was heard throughout the lands.Their Majesties Morgan Claymore and Livia Alexandra Severa ascended to the thrones.In their first court they…
07 Jul 2023
04 Jul 2023
Our King and Queen, Athos and Alianora traveled far to the borders of our lands to test the prowess ofour Kingdom on the field of battle. While at An Tir West War, they presented these awards to Theirpopulace.Thursday, June 29…
27 Jun 2023
In the Court of King Athos and Queen Alianora at Athenaeum held on June 24 th , 2023, these gentles wererecognized.Elanor de Eccleshall has been awarded the CarpElisabeth Piper has been awarded the CarpDunstan M’Lolane has been titled WordsmithAmeline de…
25 Jun 2023
15 Jun 2023
14 Jun 2023
In the Court of King Athos and Queen Alianor held at Boar’s Hunt on June 3 rd , 2023, A.S. 58, these awardswere received by their populace. Sigrid Hrafnsdottir received an Award of ArmsKurobayashi Tarou Akahito received a Griffe et…
06 Jun 2023
Kingdom of An Tir is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Financial and Curia Meeting June 2023Time: Jun 6, 2023 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 857 3130 6579Passcode: 852259 One tap…
31 May 2023
In the Court of Their Majesties of An Tir, King Athos and Queen Alianora, many nobels were recognizedfor their achievements in the Society. Their Court was held at Egil’s hosted in the Barony of Adiantum inthe Principality of the Summits,…