Greetings People of An Tir, The board of directors of the SCA has made a resolution to suspend in-person events until January 31st, 2021 in response to a request made by many of the Crowns of the Kingdoms in North…
29 Jul 2020
Board of Directors votes unanimously to suspend all in-person activities through January 31, 2021
06 Jul 2020
King Christian, Queen Helene, and I continue to monitor the state of the many municipalities that make up An Tir and how those municipalities are responding to the continued concerns of the Covid-19 pandemic. At this time we must make…
23 Jun 2020
As Interim chair of An Tir's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Council, it is my pleasure to announce that the Honorable Lady Aenor Shafer-Ross will be stepping in as our official chair effective immediately. I will continue
08 Jun 2020
The following Sanctions are in effect and are to be published immediately by order of the Kingdom Seneschal: On June 6, 2020, Their Majesties, King Christian III and Queen Helene III of An Tir have issued the sanction of Temporary Removal from…
07 Jun 2020
Unto the people and populace of An Tir, On the heels of the global pandemic which leaves many isolated and concerned, We find ourselves facing another world-altering challenge. We hear the concerns, worries, and outrage of Our people and we…
03 Jun 2020
From There has been an extremely generous response from our members, wanting to gift memberships to people in need. If you would like to gift a membership for a specific individual, please download and follow these instructions.
02 Jun 2020
From As so many of us struggle with the pain of separation from one another socially, so too do we struggle with the realities of systemic inequality and racism in our society. In the United States and around the…
01 Jun 2020
From We are sorry to have to report that as of July 1, 2020, we will no longer be able to leave expired memberships open as if they were current memberships. The corporation has reached a point where it…
28 May 2020
Online Class Roundup: Friday May 29th - Friday June 5th It seems that each week I discover new sources offering classes of interest, usually about five minutes after I've sent the list. This week I've discovered something for our fighting…