Resolution to Suspend In-Person SCA Activity until January 31st, 2021
During the July 28, 2020, Ad Hoc meeting of the Board of Directors for the Society for Creative Anachronism, the following Resolution was passed by a unanimous vote and made effective immediately:
I. Whereas, the COVID-19 Global Pandemic has created an unparalleled challenge for the administration of the Society for Creative Anachronism. The Board of Directors acknowledges the health and well-being of the membership and participants of the SCA are of utmost importance;
II. Whereas, the Crowns of the vast majority of North American Kingdoms have petitioned the board to suspend in-person SCA events in North America until January 31st, 2021;
III. Whereas, following consultation with the Kingdom Seneschals of the North American Kingdoms, it appears that this petition is generally supported;
IV. Therefore Now Be It Resolved, The SCA Board of Directors suspends all SCA in-person events in North America until January 31st, 2021;
V. Resolved, Small local gatherings including, but not limited to, archery practice, guild meetings, officer meetings, and local martial activities shall remain at the discretion of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal, in accordance with CDC, State, Provincial, and local health guidelines and recommendations. Virtual events as alternatives continue to be a viable option;
VI. Resolved, The SCA Board of Directors directs the Society Seneschal to grant a blanket variance to Corpora waiving any required events such as Crown List and Coronation until January 31st, 2021, as well as extending all current reigns until a royal list can be held to determine suitable Heirs;
VII. Resolved, If a Crown or Coronet steps down without Heirs for a Kingdom or Principality, a Regent shall be installed until such time as a royal list may be held to find suitable Heirs and a Coronation or Investiture held. This regent should be installed according to the Kingdom or Principality laws that govern the appointment of Regents, after consultation with the Society Seneschal. If the Kingdom or Principality has no such law, the Kingdom Seneschal (and Principality Seneschal when appropriate) must consult with the Society Seneschal and Society President to determine an appropriate selection method for a Regent;
VIII. Resolved, the SCA Board of Directors invites Kingdoms who have determined that it is safe to host in-person events before January 31st, 2021, to request a variance from the Society Seneschal to be able to do so. The Society Seneschal shall have the authority to grant or deny these requests. These requests will be reviewed by the Board using the same review method used for variances to Corpora;
IX. Resolved, the SCA Board of Directors commends the officers, royalty, hard-working membership, and participants who have made it possible for the SCA to continue activities during these trying times.
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