Head Stewards needed for An Tir/West War
Greetings from your An Tir West War Financial Committee!
The ATWW Financial Committee is looking for those interested in being Head Stewards for ATWW 2024. We are hoping to select 2 Co-Stewards, 1 from the West and 1 from An Tir that can work together to navigate each other’s cultures and expectations while planning the War jointly. If you are interested, please submit you or your teams SCA resume(s) to antirwestwarfinancial@antirwestwar.org by January 1st 2024. This resume does not need to be comprehensive, simply a quick overview of any past events or activities you have helped run or organize in some way and any relevant modern-day experience if you would like to include it. Additionally, war stewarding experience is not required as we have the previous year’s stewards available to guide new to war stewards on how the war has been run the last several years.
We are also looking for Department Heads, deputies, trainees, and other volunteers for War 2024. We would love to see a mix of old and new leaders from the West and An Tir working together to make this War amazing! A quick but certainly not complete list of roles can be found at https://antirwestwar.org/staff/ If you are interested in volunteering, please email EventStewards@antirwestwar.org. If you have talked with an Event Steward in the past about volunteering, please reach out again and confirm your role.
Thank you all for your time and see you at ATWW 2024!
An Tir West War Financial Committee 2024