Court Report, Long and Short of it and An Tir Arts Academy, TRMs Morgan and Livia
Greetings to the Populace of An Tir,
On Saturday August 12 th , 2023 in the lands of the Crown. Deeds of greatness were praised by their
His Majesty Morgan of the Oaks ventured to Barony of Terra Pomaria’s event Long and Short of it, where he awarded to the
following gentiles.
Adrienne von Brandenberg received an Orda Vita
Cloves was awarded a Grace of An Tir, along with Xemena also receiving a Grace of An Tir.
Many Cheers for these Good Gentiles and the time they give to An Tir and their Majesties.
Her Majesty Livia Alexandra Severa visited the Barony of Stromgard for An Tir Arts Academy, where her gracious gifts were
spread to the following individuals.
These individuals all received a Griffe et du lion
Alisaundre ni Feidhleimeidh dal gCais
Domhnall MacCealllaigh of Dublin
Jarl Ulfred Draumfjallr
Una of Grimwith
Kira Baranova
Her Majesty also awarded to Eoghan ÓBriain a L’esperon and
to Miranda Faoltiarna a Sanquine Thorn.
Of which many more cheers were raised.