An Tir Kingdom Bardic Championship Announcement

The Kingdom Bardic Championship is set for January 11, 2025, in the Barony of Three Mountains (Saturday of 12th Night in Portland, OR). This year, Kingdom Bardic will be a one-day competition. Any questions can be directed to me at artsnsci @ and my Bardic Deputy, Maire Blakater at artsnsci.bardic @ We look forward to seeing you there!

Important Dates:

· Submit your “Intent to Enter” by November 3rd (intent to enter form attached via weblink)

· Finalize your performance pieces November 15th

· PDF of your Documentation sent to by January 3rd (2025)

· Performances will be on January 11th (2025)

Conventions for An Tir Bardic Championship (12th Night 2025):

Entrants will be presenting two pieces before the Crown and the assembled populace.

– One piece should be documentable as a SCA-period performance.

– The second piece can be anything that is SCA appropriate, including original pieces.

– Each Presentation and Performance will be given 12 minutes (you may divide the time between your presentation and performance however you feel is best)


Documentation is required for at least one of your pieces (though you are welcome to submit for both).

– Documentation should be a maximum of 500 words.  You may also provide additional pictures, text & translations (if applicable), other supporting documents, & bibliography/citations (including websites, books, articles, CDs/DVDs, etc.) if you desire, these are not included in the 500 word count.

– Entrants are allowed to have others help with documentation (proofreading, formatting, typing etc.).

– Entrants do not need to document the second piece, unless they wish to, or wish to provide lyrics/music in the case of original pieces.

– Documentation is due by 11:59 PM, January 3, 2025. Please send to

– Please send it as a PDF file if possible. This just avoids formatting errors when opened on a different computer.

– Documentation will be posted on the An Tir A&S Website for anyone who wishes to read it before the event (If an entrant does not wish to have their original piece posted, they should contact the Kingdom A&S Minister).

– Entrants are to bring 4-5 copies of each document for display at the event. The KMoAS will be putting together a packet for TRMs and other advisors, displaying one on the table for the populace.


There will be two rounds of competition:

– Saturday, the performers will be presenting their 1st and 2nd performance pieces. At the end of these performances, the populace will have an opportunity to vote on their favorite performers. The top performers will be presented to Their Royal Majesties and their council to choose the finalists.

– The final round will be held a short time later on Saturday. The finalists will perform their favorite of the two pieces they submitted.

– After this round the winner will be chosen by The Crown, with the support of the Current Bardic Champion and the Kingdom A&S Minister, with consideration of the populace vote. The winner will be announced Saturday evening and TRMs will install the new Champion in their court.


Þóra in fróða, OL

An Tir Kingdom Arts & Sciences Minister




Þóra in fróða, OL

Kingdom Arts & Sciences Minister