Words from the Crown
Good evening An Tir! For those who weren’t able to join us for 12th Night, we wanted to make sure we shared an important announcement that was made in our Court.
During the Reign of Eirik and Brynhildr, it was discovered that there is a passage in the SCA’s corpora, Section IV.D.2 that reads as follows:
“Royalty may delegate to any subject the execution of any legitimate royal power for a specific
instance, such as the transmission of an award to an individual named and selected by them, subject
to the laws and customs of the realm. “
Many may have seen us visiting events in 3 Mountains and Lions Gate as Royal Prince and Princess and using this convention to assist the Crowns to make new landed Baronial representatives, court baronies, as well as offer some peerages.
We, Nicolai and Ana, having spent much time thinking about this resource, and believe that it holds the key to furthering our service to Our populace.
Upon council with our Princes/Princesses/Princeps of Summits and Tir Righ- we have requested that they too, assist us sometimes with Kingdom Business up to and including the offering and making of Peers.
**Edit for Clarification: All candidates, their peers and the sitting Royalty of the Principalities will be involved in discussions of what best meets the candidates wishes for their ceremonies- this is not a dictation by the Crown, it is an opening of options for additional times/places for ceremonies.
These awards will still come from our hands, but will be delivered deeper into the vast reaches of An Tir’s lands by our sitting Coronets on our behalf, providing further options for populace to be recognized by the Crown, as well as greater accessibility in general.
Therefore, we ask to any and all populace, please submit your award recommendations, please include those folks on the edges who’ve traditionally not seen a lot of the Crown. Let us shed and share light in all the Corners of An Tir!
Your servants,
King Nicolai and Queen Ana