Baronial Polling Update

Due to the inability to meet in person to collect polling forms, the following branches will be conducting their baronial polls via the postal service. This information replaces previously published in-person polling information in the Crier. Email addresses for each branch’s poll will be made available for those who prefer to email their completed form. As always, any individual may submit commentary regarding baronial candidates directly to the Crown for consideration.

Barony of Glymm Mere – postmark date 4/17/2020
Barony of Wealdsmere – postmark date 4/14/2020
Barony of Dragons Laire – postmark date 4/14/2020
Barony of Dragons Mist – postmark date 4/20/2020

Please contact the applicable Baronial Seneschal for more information about a specific poll:

Barony of Glymm Mere (
Barony of Wealdsmere (
Barony of Dragons Laire (
Barony of Dragons Mist (