Briaroak Bash


Hosted by Device of Briaroak

The Shire of Briaroak (Roseburg, Douglas County, OR )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Violante de Rosa
Date: August 2 , 2019 until August, 4 2019
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 2th 2019
Site closes at: 5:00 PM on August 4th 2019

Event site:
Umpqua Community Center
806 Hubbard Creek Rd Umpqua, OR 97486

Briaroak Bash

August 2nd-4th 2019

Welcome to a weekend of laid back fun, feasting, fighting and merriment!  See you all soon!

Friends and family of Briaroak. We are happy invite you all our annual Bash event. Even more exciting, we have a brand-new site. Presenting the Umpqua Community Center


Weather report:  Friday 88, Saturday 90, and Sunday 94 (lows in the 60s).  As of right now air quality is good here.  Bring plenty of liquids to stay hydrated and above all else be careful and drive safely. 


Competitions and Combat:

Calling all fighters! It’s time to crown a new Briaroak Champions in Heavy, Cut and Thrust, and Archery

Classes–We’ll be setting up a bring your craft and sit with us area, where we can talk and share it with everyone.  

We will have a youth activities coordinator.  She has lots of fun things for all the smalls of all ages.


Merriment and Shenanigans:

-There have been requests for a drum circle and belly dancing. Also, if you have period games like horseshoes, lawn bowling, or other games please bring them.

-There will be a “Tout Yer Fauxga (faux toga…keep it PG13)” contest, so bring your best Saturday night.

**There is a “keep the volume down” time after 11pm because the caretakers live on-site. They said as long as we weren’t rowdy like a frat party they were all good.


Merchants: We are looking for merchants. There is no fee for merchanting (site fee does apply). We would love to have you attend. This is a great opportunity for our local artisans to showcase your wares. Contact the Event Steward with the space needed.


Saturday Feast: Potluck style

We provide the meat

-A-G Side

-G-N Salad

–O-Z Dessert


Site fees:

Adults $20 (less $5 for members),

under 17 free.

Make checks payable to SCA, Inc.—Shire of Briaroak (we are unable to accept credit cards)


Site opens at Noon on Friday and closes at 5pm on Sunday

Site is discretely wet.

Please note: there will be a specific smoking area, please only smoke/vape in that area. Please pick up any dispose of cigarette butts and other trash.

The only animals permitted on site are service animals.

No animals in the kitchen, please. Be sure to clean up after your service animal.

Water is potable but not really palatable if you aren’t use to well water (sulfury). We will have our water buffalo on site too.

It’s going to be hot so dress comfortably….you know “when in Rome”


We have a royal ready room if needed.

There is also an air-conditioned room available for anyone who gets too warm and feels ill.

Site opens: Noon
Gate: open from noon to 6pm ish
Bardic Circle: 8pm ish
Quieter time: 11pm
Gate opens: 8am-4pm ish
10am Master Piaras will be doing a talk on the SCA and inclusivity
10am the A/S Pavilion will be set up. Please come join us, bring your project and share your knowledge with others.
10am the youth activities begin
11am Archery Inspection CANCELED
12pm Briaroak Archery Championship Tourney
11am Heavy Armor inspection
12pm Briaroak Heavy Defender Tourney
12:30pm Cut and Thrust Armor inspection
1pm: Briaroak Cut and Thrust Champion Tourney
After the Defender Tourney there will be a break before we do a Heavy Prize Tourney.
4pmish: Court
6pmis: Potluck
After 1st dinner get ready to tout your fauxga (fake toga pg-13). May the most fabulous fauxga win.
After 2nd dinner we’re having a Bardic Competition
11pm: Quieter time
Site closes at 5pm


Umpqua Community Center

806 Hubbard Creek Rd Umpqua, OR 97486.

Directions: Make your best way to Sutherlin, Oregon (Exit 136). Turn LEFT at the light on to Central Ave. Veer LEFT at “Y” on to Fort McKay Rd. Follow for appx. 6.5 miles, past winery. Site is the only large building on the LEFT. Look for signs.


Thank you all in advance


Violante de Rosa Jennifer Smith 541-236-8885

Sleibhin O’Leannachain



Article VIlI.A Conduct of Persons in An Tir:

  • All subjects of An Tir shall:
    • Willingly maintain and increase the authenticity of their accoutrement, speech, and conduct, thus elevating the spirit that should be fostered in these Current Middle Ages.
      • Strive for courtesy, consideration, honor, and chivalric behavior at all times.
      • Be familiar with, and abide by, the laws, customs, and traditions of An Tir.
  • Violation of these laws will result in the appropriate consequences, and may be grounds for expulsion from an event, banishment, dismissal from office or other sanctions.
  • The violation of modern law will be grounds for expulsion from an event, banishment, or  arrest by civil authorities.
  • The allowance for admission and control of pets shall be determined by the event steward. If no other determination is made, all animals shall be leashed or otherwise physically secured at all times. All pet owners are responsible for the cleanup and removal of their pet’s waste.
  • Smoking:
    • Is not permitted indoors at events.
    • Is only permitted in designated areas with appropriate receptacles at outdoor events.
    • Is not permitted in or near the Eric or court.
    • Is permitted in individual encampments and paved parking areas.
    • Modern fire restrictions always apply.
    • Smokers are expected to clean up after themselves, leaving an area as clean or cleanerthan they found it.
  • Controlled Substances.
    • The Laws of the Kingdom of An Tir May 2012 Page | 50
    • An Tir is intolerant of the illegal use or distribution of drugs and/or alcohol.
    • b) Mundane law enforcement may be called to a site to deal with any unlawful activity.
    • Non-period firearms are not allowed at any SCA event, except to those required or licensed by mundane law to bear such weapons.
    • Period firearms must not be loaded, except as part of a segregated and approved target shooting competition.
  • Youth at Events.
    • The following paragraphs are included to comply with the Society Seneschal’s Policies on Youth at Events.
    • Parents or Designated Adults, chosen by the parent, who bring minors to an event, must ensure their children’s activities are compliant with SCA Laws, Policies, and site rules that require minors 12 and under to be within sight or sound of a responsible parent/designated adult at all times.
    • All scheduled youth activities must have two adults, unrelated to each other, at all times and the activity must stop if that number falls below the required 2.
    • No policy, rule or law relieves parents or designated adults of their primary responsibility for the welfare and behavior of their children.
    • All youth attending scheduled youth activities and classes will need to be accompanied by either a parent or designated adult (who is in possession of a properly completed minor Medical Waiver).
    • Neglect of Parental (or Designated Adul) responsibility for minors:
      • If event/branch SCA officials find minors in breach of SCA Governing Documents, Laws. Policies or site rules they will (for a first offence) escort the minor to their parent/designated adult and issue a verbal warning. A report on the incident will be tendered to the local and Kingdom Seneschal and the Kingdom Minister of Family Activities.
      • ii) On a second offense at a given event, the parent(s)/ designated adult(s) will be required to keep their minor(s) with them for the remainder of the function. A report on the incident will be tendered to the local, Kingdom and Society Seneschal and the Kingdom Minister of Family Activities.
      • iii) On a third offense, the minor (s) *and * parent(s)/designated adult(s) will be expelled from the event, and the matter will be reported to local, Kingdom and Society Seneschals and the Kingdom Minister of Family Activities.
      • iv) Habitual offenders will be subject to review by Kingdom and Society level for possible sanctions.
    • The Laws of the Kingdom of An Tir May 2012 Page | 51
    • Youth over the age of 12 will be allowed to attend youth activities without a parent or designated adult at the discretions of the teacher of the class or leader of the activity

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - Summits

Add all events from Briaroak to your personal calendar (ical format)

This page for event id 7224 was last updated: July 31, 2019
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