Hosted by
The College of Cranehaven (Chelan & Douglas counties, WA )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Domnall Scriptor
Date: June 22 , 2018 until June, 24 2018
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 22th 2018
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 24th 2018
Event site:
Wades Place
70 Road 2 NE
Waterville, WA 98858
Updated 5/21/18
June 22 – 24, 2018
The College of Cranehaven summons and invites all archers,
crossbowmen, thrown weapon enthusiasts, and siege engine teams to
our first annual Archery / Missile Event!
This event will include as many
SCA legal missile weapons as possible.
We have a LOT of open space for large ranges, including royal
rounds, clout, flight, york, and (possibly) siege engines. We
would also love to see some atlatl throwers!
Thrown weapons ranges, including dart, axe, spear, and knife.
Box shooting may be available depending on interest, time and
marshal availability
Shooting and throwing for all levels, novices to
Siege Cooking AND Archery?
Why yes. Get your team together and contact Steward of the
Feast Branwen Stewart ( Put your
team and proposed menue’s together, then send forth your
hunter(s). Hunters will have a total of 6 attempts at various
venues to secure your “protein”.
There will be an open grill
pot-luck on Saturday evening at 5 pm. Bring your protein of
choice to grill and a side to share with up to 10
This event / competition is open to anyone in the Knowne
Gate fees:
SCA Members With Blue Card: $15
Non-Members: $20
Under Age 17: FREE
Minors not accompanied by legal
guardians must present ALL necessary Minor Waver and Medical
documents at the gate before entry will be permitted. These
documents must be with the Minor’s person at all times.
Site is primitive and there is only one tree in sight. Bring
SHADE and WATER. Some well water may be available but don’t
count on it. Electricity may available but don’t count on
it. If you need power for medical purposes contact us to
discuss it. For noise reasons, loud generators are
(DRAFT) Event Schedule:
Friday – Site opens at 3:00pm
Friday – Royal rounds start at 4:00pm
Friday – Night shoot starts at dusk
Saturday -York starts at 8:00 am
Saturday – Seige Cooking Begins at 10 am
Saturday – Flight starts at 1:00pm
Saturday – Fun shoot starts at 3:00pm
Saturday – Seige Cooking Judging at 4:00 pm
Saturday – Fun shoot continues to 5:00pm
Saturday – Night shoot starts at dusk
Saturday Dinner: Open Grill Pot
Sunday – Clout starts at 8:00am
Sunday – Fun shoot starts at 10:00am
Sunday – Prizes at 11:00am
Sunday – Site Closes at noon
Event Steward:
Domnall Scriptor (
Gerhard Emelrich (
plenty of room for camping and parking.
Above ground fire and BBQ allowed if Fire Conditions allow.
Site is discreetly wet with quiet hours from 11:00 pm to 6:00
An area is being designated for possible bon fire and “fun
Merchants: Due to site constraints, we are not able to offer inside
merchant space, but are open
to outdoor merchants, if the weather permits. No additional
merchant’s fee. Please contact the
Event Steward with your space requirements.
Lord Gerhard Emelrich’s
70 Road 2 NE
Waterville, WA 98858
This page for event id 6895 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy