Hosted by
The Shire of Midhaven (Skagit, San Juan & North Island Counties, WA)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd
Date: March 4 , 2017
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 4th 2017
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Stillaguamish Grange Hall
6521 Pioneer Highway
Stanwood, WA 98292
The Shire of Midhaven, with help from their friends of
Aquaterra, invite you to attend the Newcomer’s Day event on
Saturday, March 4th at the Stillaguamish Grange in
Stanwood, Washington.
Newcomers are welcome from far and near. This event is for
those who could benefit from a day of preparing to become a part of
the SCA. Even those who have been participating for a while can
feel comfortable asking questions and learn new skills. There
will be displays about SCA fighting (heavy & rapier), various
Arts & Sciences, what do you need to get started, how to do
things activities, and the opportunity to talk with those who have
been participating for many years.
Site opens at 9:00am and closes at 9:00pm.
The current list of demo stations at this event are as
Some of these topics will also be presented as short classes
throughout the day. The SCA 101 taught by Maestra Althaia
filia Lazari will be held after lunch.
There will be a scribal painting table available for painting
A humble but hearty feast will be prepared for an evening repast
with old and new friends. The feast will begin about 5pm.
NO SITE FEE. Those who would like to partake of food need
only pay $5.00 per person to cover food expenses. Those who do not
wish to partake of food still can attend the activity. The feast is
currently limited to the first 75 people to register.
Advanced feast reservations can be made with Baroness Taradan at
There will be a day-board of food available at lunchtime.
Donations will be accepted to cover food costs.
Event Stewards:
Duchess Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd (Alisoun McCloughen) –
Baron Bryson MacLachlan (Bryson McCloughen)-
(360) 899-5610 or (360) 540-0921
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