Grand Thing XII


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Attia Prima
Date: May 26 , 2017 until May, 29 2017
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 26th 2017
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 29th 2017

Event site:
Clatsop County Fairgrounds
92937 Walluski Loop Astoria, OR 97103

The Barony of Stromgard invites you to the twelfth annual Grand
Thing! This event focuses on Norse and Irish traditions of the
Viking Age, though all cultures and interests are welcome. We offer
a little something for everyone:

  • Armored combat—Witness combatants engaging in both
    one-on-one and war combat.
  • A grand arts and sciences
    village—Learn about and participate in everyday living as it
    might have been 1,000+ years ago in Scandinavia, such as metal
    forging, fabric weaving and other textile arts, shoe making,
    cooking, and more!
  • Rapier combat—An
    ancient form of modern day fencing, combatants will test their
    metal in one-on-one competition as well as a team
  • Archery and thrown
    weapons—Come and try your hand at throwing knives and axes,
    watch expert shooters using traditional bows as our ancestors would
    have done.
  • Equestrian combat and
    competitions—Witness skilled riders vie to become the next
  • Games—Visit the
    gaming area and learn how to play the games of our forefathers and
  • Merchants—A range of
    artisans will be on hand offering authentic Viking Age goods and
    other fun trinkets.
  • The “Grand
    Thing” will take place Saturday evening after the feast
    – Based on the period Norse tradition when the community
    would come together to settle issues of law. All are welcome to
    come witness the review of previous laws and see a new law

The StormRider Tournament; Who among you is
ready to stand with your steed and vie to be the StormRider,
Equestrian Champion of the Barony of Stromgard? The tournament
format is still under consideration by the Cornet and the current
StormRider, Susan de Winter and the trials may include; Rings,
Quintain, Speed Quintain, breuhaus, Thrown spear, Water Fall and
Bridge or platform. Whomsoever is victorious in the tournament
shall be named StormRider will be required to swear fealty to the
Baron and Baroness and will enjoy especial honours as Champion. For
those interested in competing, please send a private note to Ivon
and Hlutwige, Lord and Lady Stromgard electronically or in hand by
Friday May 26 in the evening. The morning of the tournament be
prepared to introduce yourself, your inspiration and your mount in
court. ( This tournament will take place on Saturday at
Grand Thing, May 26-28 at Clatsup County Fairgrounds, Astoria,
Oregon.  There will be plenty of room to watch the tournament
as well as time and room to play.  Check out the event page

and here:

and here:


Event web site:



Adults: Full
weekend $25.00*   Single day $15.00*

Children ages
17 and under are FREE!

discount for adult SCA members applies to full weekend and single

Cash or checks
only at the gate.  Make checks payable to Barony of Stromgard
– SCA,Inc.


Site opens
12PM (merchants 10AM) on Friday closes 1PM Monday.

Public is
welcomed to attend starting at 10:00am on Saturday.  

Site fee: Adults-$25, under 18 free.  Day-pass
$15.00.  $5.00 discount for adult SCA members applies to full
weekend and single day.

Checks payable to: Barony of Stromgard, SCA Inc. 

Event Steward: Mistress Attia Prima (Mandy Grayson)
/503-984-7277 No calls after 9PM. 

Event Staff

Event Steward:
Attia Prima (Amanda Grayson). Mandy.grayson(at)gmail(dot)com

Large group
land and RV reservations: Chingis jamessayer333(at)gmail(dot)com
(James Spiering)  or 503-201-9274   Please, no calls
after 9pm

A Grand Viking
Village (Arts and Sciences): Reginleif in harfagra (Karyn
Criswell), kcriswell(at)dsl-only(dot)net

registration: Mathias (Bud Clark), harlenclark64(at)gmail(dot)

armored combat: Kjartan (Matthew Widolf),

Archery and
thrown weapons: Refskegg of House Bread (Jed Heimkes),

Crystobel Dagger (Kat Meeke), Bladekat(at)gmail(dot)com

Susan deWinter, Susanhazlewood4(at)gmail(dot)com

Youth and
Children: TBD


This page for event id 6692 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy