Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Skjoldulfr Viddarsson
Date: February 25 , 2017
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 25th 2017
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Riverside Grange, WA
317 N. Main
Riverside, WA 98849
Event steward: HL Dubheasa Cambeul
Greeting one and all,
Please come and join us for Dregate‘s Red Lantern Feast, this
year HL Dubheasa Cambeul with Lady’s Kayna, Nora, and Rosey will be your Feast team. Our
feast theme is ‘A Chinese New Year’. Reserving your feast space in
advance is advised.
We will have some classes & workshops:
A shoe pattern making class, a class on:’ How to teach a
class’ a Chinese Calligraphy class, and a discussion of the
‘Art of filking‘, more
classes TBA. We will be having a silent auction and a barter
meet and greet, bring a thing you don’t want, to barter with
another and meet new friends. We are also holding a dirty dozen
competition bring 12 things that you have made and see who gets to
take home a nice collection of items. We would love to have a
Bardic competition if enough interest is generated.
Limited crash space is available with reservations.
Contact the Event Steward HL Dubheasa Cambeul at knotyours2@myself.com to reserve
crash space and your feast space.
Site opens at 11:00 am on the 25th of February
Site fee is $20. with a $5. discount to members.
This page for event id 6670 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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