Border War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Olaf of Montanore
Date: September 16 , 2016 until September, 18 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 16th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 18th 2016

Event site:
Camp Easton
23516 S. Hwy 97 Harrison, ID 83833




Date of
 September 16-18,

Location: Harrison,


$20 camping, age 17 and up

$15 day only, age 17 and

   $5 member discount with proof of membership




To the Great and
Noble People of An Tir,


The strong and
fearless Baron Lars and the inspiring and beautiful Baroness Kara
of Wealdsmere ask for warriors, artisans, and musicians of An Tir
to join us. 

We must defend our
kingdom from the rapacious yak stealing armies of Artemisia. (Whom
we love dearly with all of our hearts, but war is war,


Heavy fighters,
rapier fighters, combat and target archers alike! Arts and science
lovers and musicians, come forth! Join us in the stunningly
beautiful lands of Northeastern An Tir for war!


We will meet upon
Lake Coeur D’Alene (Camp Easton Boy Scout Camp) to settle our
differences in a time honored and fruitful way… With swords! With
arrows! With rubber band guns! And other instruments of


Schedule of events



12:00 pm 
Site opens

– help others to set up camps (War points)


         kids game – 
The Gauntlet for Yakbert – War field (War points)


         help set up
archery range south of war field (War points)




am    YAC armor inspection at Warfield


       Opening court


ish   YAC war (War points awarded) immediately following


Target Archery southern end of war field 2 hours (War

A &S populace choice and competitor entries to great hall (War


12:00 pm 
Rapier inspection

       Heavy fighting (until last
man) (War points)

       Nailbinding 101 With Una in in
Great Hall (1 hr)


         Rapier fighting
(until last man) (War points)

        Sienna teaching Woven Turkish
buttons in Great Hall (1 hr)


         The Magik of Woad
with Una meet at great hall entrance (1-1.5 hr)

 Target archery southern end of war field (2 hr) (War


         Dancing with
Roland 1.5 hours, Great Hall

Silk painting with
meet at great hall entrance (1 hr)


Ailionara’s Fantastically Fun class on SCA Etiquette in Great Hall
(1 hr)


         Evening Court in
great hall (1 hr)



         Kids game – 
How to tame a Yak  – war field (30 minutes)


         Potluck feast in
great hall (See below for food

Bardic running concurrently (War points)


        Story time with Kara in
Great hall



10:00 am 
Presentation of War points – War Field


3:00 pm
   Site closes


Potluck food

Each adult attending
the feast please bring enough to feed 10 people

Brown eyes – main

Green eyes –

Blue eyes –

Hazel eyes –


The Battle for
Yakbert – YAC Edition

To arms! To arms!

Yakbert has been taken! Her Excellency Kara
Björnsdóttir hereby calls forth all able-bodied Youth
Armored Combatants, for the purposes of securing or gathering
information to the whereabouts of Wealdsmere’s beloved

Any such brave-hearted youth shall report for armor
inspection at 9:30 am on Saturday. They shall then be presented to
Her Excellency during opening court, where they shall be charged as
Crusaders, with all rights and privileges thereof.

Thence, they shall receive their charge and be off! May
their minds be as keen as their blades, and may they return swiftly
with that which Her Excellency seeks.



Senario 1: “Meet and greet”

The two armies meet at the river bridge to discuss terms of
surrender for the poor Yak, The Artimesians are hesitant to give up
the poorly treated yak with out a good reason and proper terms.

*no ranged weapons*

*3 rounds*

*5 res’s* per fighter*

*stepping in the “river” by beach or bridge is death*

Teams are separated by a river and
a narrow bridge separates them, first team to eliminate the
opposing force wins the round.
1 War points for the winning side.

With tensions high and blood
racing negotiations have progressed rather well and both sides have
brought their “war mounts” into the fight, or so they are claimed.
( trying to get yaks for weldsmere and sheep for

*no ranged weapons*
*3 rounds*
*5 res’s per side*
Teams have Yaks/Sheep in a pen on
each side, to win teams must capture all the opposing teams “war
mounts”.  Each team must select an animal handler and only
this person is allowed to pick up the animals. handlers may rescue
captured animals but must drop the animal where he/she stands on
death. Animals must be picked up with main hand only and only 1 at
a time. Anyone else that tries to pick up an animal will be “kicked
in the head” and die, resulting in loss of a res. Animal handlers
have infinite res and can only use small off hand weapons (

With one side claiming all the “war
mounts”, the opposing force has decided to go all out for one last
attempt to resolve these negotiations to their favor. Though
Shenanigans is about and A lone Yak has taken the field between to
two armies, with ideas of its own in mind. The Opposing forces can
not look past the cuteness of the Yak and the last fight has now
become to claim this poor disgruntled Yak.
*ranged weapons permitted and
highly suggested*
*Reload only after dying and at the
res point*
*no reclaiming ammo*
*Infinite res for all
*Yak can not be moved*
Teams must capture and hold the Yak
for an accrued time of 20 min.
3 members of a team must raise
their swords and yell the name of the side they represent to start
the time. Time for the opposite side will start when they claim in
the same way.  Time will not stop unless a new claim is made.
Yak will be in the center field inside a designated area, fighters
must touch the Yak with their hand at the same time to make a

Border War 2016 Heavy Scenarios

  1. Champion Battle:

    Best of the Best Fight Two out three Champions must fight 3 fights.
    One War point given to the victor

  1. Beach Battle:

    You have landed on the beach and its time to get your Pillage on!!
    One Kingdom will hold the beach the other will attack from the
    water side. Water side will have archers no weapon over 6 foot (3
    lives Limited Resurrection) Each Kingdom will fight from the
    waterside once. Best Time for killing all wins War one

  1. Woods Battle:

    Each team will have a Yak to protect. Take the Yak to win
    (Unlimited Resurrection but must wait a timed 3min resurrection
    point before leaving). It will be fought twice! Fastest time to
    steal a yak Wins the War point (or steals it twice).  No

  2. Bridge Battle:

    Each team will fight to hold the bridge (3 lives limited
    Resurrection) Archery Allowed. This scenario will be fought twice.
    Fastest time across the bridge Team will win the War

  1. Team of Two battles:

    Sides will team up with a battle buddy one with shield one with a
    weapon and will hold hands or belt. Last team of two standing wins
    the war point.

  1. Open Field Battle 30-45min:

    Unlimited resurrections Archery both sides allowed (No War

Need two to four Marshals to help with keeping everyone contained,
keep time and score.


Service animals will be
allowed.  Please contact the event Steward at so that the Ranger knows how many service
animals will be on site.  



Event steward, Olaf

Merchant steward,

Cabin Steward, Braith  (Cabin
reservations closed as cabins are full)

Pot luck steward,
Una with potluck
in subject line



This page for event id 6523 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy