Briaroak Bash


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Celeste Thorne
Date: August 5 , 2016 until August, 7 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 5th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on August 7th 2016

Event site:
Riverbend Park
51 Thompson Blvd Winston, OR 97496




Please be welcome to the Shire of Briaroak Bash. Championship
tournaments to be held include Archery, Heavy Armored Combat. and
new this year, Cut and Thrust. We will have Merchants. There will
be a Potluck Feast


For General Information please contact either Celeste
 or Martin Thorne

For Merchant Information please contact Amy
 rendragonlady AT msn DOT com 
Registration for Merchants will be available by mid April

Land is first come first serve.

There is no preregistration for the Event.

Shire will provide the Main Dish portion of the Potluck 
Potluck Assignments (based on Modern last name):
A-G Side/Salad
H-R Dessert
S-Z Bread/cracker 
List of ingredients with dish is always appreciated

If it is very hot (August so
probably) feel free to bring a kiddie pool. Please be responsible
with smalls around and stay cool. There is water onsite for our

Volunteers will be needed as
always, if you have something you would like to see/organize/run,
please contact Martin or Celeste





541-530-8769  Texting is most


Fees: Make check payable to Shire of Briaroak SCA

 Adults (18 and over):  $20.00  Members recieve a
$5.00 discount

Children and Youth (17-under):  Free

Activities may be added to this


8 am Site opens for Merchants

10 am Site opens for attendees




9am Lists  open 

915 am Armor Inspection for Heavy
Combat Defender Tournament

1000am Heavy Combat Defender Tournament

12:30  Armor Inspection for Cut
and Thrust Combat Defender Tournament 

1:00-4:00 Family Activities including
Jousting, Battle the Black Knight, Down the Dragon!, Run the
Gauntlet, and Storm the Castle.  

1:00 Cut and Thrust Combat Defender
Tournament begins

3:00 If the Temperature is deemed
acceptable for fighting, Heavy Prize Tournament will begin.
 It will be either Double Elimination or Round Robin,
whichever is quickest for the number of fighters who enter.
 BRING YOUR BEST!!! Style 🙂 If it is too hot for this
tournament, the 2nd and 3rd place fighters in the Heavy Defender
Tournament will recieve the prizes.  

5:00 Alpine Highness’ Court

6:00 Or as soon as Court ends,
 Potluck Feast. 


Thrown weapons will be available when
there is interest.

There is no Archery this year…

Bardic in the Evening at the


Site closes at 4pm 



This page for event id 6505 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy