Hosted by
The Barony of Adiantum (Eugene, Lane County, OR )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Marcello Fornarius
Date: October 10 , 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 10th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Northwood Christian Church
2425 Harvest Lane
Springfield, OR 97477
Greetings unto the populace! You are
invited to attend the Barony of Adiantum’s fall revel,
Amergin’s Return. The Championships for Heavy, Bardic, and
Thrown Weapons will be held, in addition to classes and a potluck
lunch. Many classes will be geared towards newcomers. Site
opens at 10am.
Here is a link for the class schedule:
Fees: Adults – $10, NMS applies; 18
and under free.
Update, 12 Sept:
Amergin’s is a month away!
We are starting to have an exciting line up of classes, be on the
look out for more soon, (schedule to be posted soon) but these
classes are planned to include Persona Development, 2 different
Bardic classes, and 2 classes on how to watch fighting (heavy and
rapier). Additionally, there will be space for hanging out, demos
for scribal and norse wire-weaving, and an all-day bardic corner to
share with friends.
There will be a Rapier prize
More info on the potluck lunch will
be forthcoming.
We will hold Thrown Weapons and Heavy
Championships (with formats to be determined by the number of
competitors) and here is an announcement about the bardic
Come vie for the postition of
Adiantum’s Bardic Champion!
To enter, please prepare two pieces to
perform to show us what type of Bardic Art(s) you are best at.
Categories include but are not limited
to: song, poem, epic, story, original work with SCA-subject
matter/filk, instrument, monologue, poem, story,
dancing/performance, and more!)
Any form of performance that is
entertaining is considered a Bardic Art!
Be prepared to explain orally the
inspiration for your pieces and what information you know about
them. Written documentation is NOT required, but come prepared to
discuss your piece (any information on time period, culture, or
other info you would like to share with the judges).
You do need to be a paid member of the SCA, but you do not need to
be living in the Barony, but you should at least live in the
Summits and be prepared to attend our local events as the Bardic
Please let me know at if you are entering so we know who’s planning on
Duties as champion:
The Bardic Champion is called upon to foster bardic arts in the
group (that can be encouraging bardic circles at events, hosting a
singing night, helping with entertainment during court…the
possibilities are fun and endless) as they are able.
And the last duty of the Bardic
Champion is to organize the championship next year to help find
their successor!
– In Service,
HL Iurii Levchenich
Bardic Champion of Adiantum
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Yours in Service,
Lord Marcello Fornarius, Event Steward
This page for event id 6485 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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