Feast of St. Eggberts


Hosted by Device of Myrtle Holt

The Shire of Myrtle Holt (Josephine County, OR )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): David De Rosier-Blanc
Date: April 11 , 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 11th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Josephine County Fairgrounds Floral Building
1451 Fairgrounds Road Grants Pass, OR 97527

Site Fee: $12-Adult
$8-Children 7-16
Under 7-Free
Family Cap-$35
Non-Member Surcharge Fee-$5


Come help the shire of
Myrtleholt celebrate the feast of Saint Eggberts.

The story of St.
Eggbert of the chickens:

Eggbert was born, the third son of a fowler at
Hennford, England in the year 402 AD.  The local priest taught
him letters when he was seven. He bacame a wandering monk preaching
to any listener.  He used a hens egg to explain the Trinity
and while happily dining on roasted fowl said:  “if thy right
wing offend thee then then pluck it off.”  Eggbert was a pious
but odd man often sleeping in hen houses.  One night, fierce
vikings raided the small hold.  Eggbert, half asleep in the
coop was beaten to death by a huge Dane wielding a pair of pilfered

The Shire of Myrtleholt celebrates St.
Eggbert’s Feast, because many years ago the Shire was given a
mystical sign.  There had been a feast wherein all meats were
poultry.  After this feast shire members exhibited red itchy
rashes, fevers and swelling of the bodies – all indicative of the
Pox of Henne.  Superstitious mutterings causes one Lady to
even change her name from “de Poullet” to “de Faucon”.  The
plague caused people to look to heaven for help.  A story was
circulated about the man called Eggbert who seemed a Saint.  A
large statue of a rooster was located in a nearby village. Plague
victims and survivors made pilgrimage there to beseech Eggbert to
end the plague.  They honored him with a feast in the Spring.
 The Plague of Henne was gone.


Myrtle Holt A&S Championship AS

Myrtle Holt welcomes all who wish to compete in
our 4th annual A&S Championship.
Please read through the following to find out how…

This will be a two entry competition:

Entry #1:  The first entry will be a period piece with
documentation. The
documentation can be written, a picture, or other form of proof
that the
entry is historically accurate.  Any genre of A&S creation
is allowed for
this entry.

Entry #2:  The second entry will be to decorate an Egg shaped
item to look
period. If you can find documentation to accompany your egg
decoration it
would be great, but it is not required. This entry is meant be fun,
so be
wild and creative.

Other Rules regarding Entries:
    – Entries must not have been entered into any
other A&S competition within the SCA before.
    – Entries must be the work of the entrant
    – Entries may contain materials that are not
period, however, the entrant must be able to
      discuss why they chose that/those
    – “Inspiration piece/Documentation” must be
submitted with the entry for judges to review,
      and must be as clear as possible for
judges to verify consistency of the entry with the
    – Colors may be substituted, so long as the
entrant is able to explain reasonings for doing so.
    – Performance work (bardic, musical
performances, etc) are acceptable as they too are “Arts”;
      entrants must provide music scores
for performance works
    – Entrant must be ready to discuss their
methods, materials, and other details of their entries.

Other rules regarding Entrants:
    – Entrants must not be a current A&S
Champion from another SCA branch, or
      have won more than one other
Myrtleholt A&S Championship in the past
    – Entrant must be a current resident of the
Principality of the Summits
    – Entrant must be available in person at event
to discuss their entries with judges
    – Entrants must file “intent to enter” to
Myrtleholt’s MoAS (HL David de Rosier-Blanc) before April 1,
      and submit a brief description of
what their entries will be at that time.
      Letter of Intent should be emailed
to dbbianco@frontiernet.net
      Letters of intent will allow our
MoAS to coordinate Judging resources.

Any questions should be posed to the current champion, HL Dawnhella
Heartsblood of Briaroak
(mka Danyal Norris, on Facebook or at luna_avalon2002@yahoo.com for
or to MoAS of Myrtle Holt, HL David de Rosier-Blanc
(mka David Bianco, on Facebook or at dbbianco@frontiernet.net for

1st Annual Cut
& Thrust Rapier Championship

Myrtle Holt is very excited to announce our
very first Cut and Thrust championship. 
The format of this championship will be double elimination for all
rounds except the
Final, which will best of 3. 

We look forward to finding out who will be our
very first C&T Champion!!!

Heavy Fighting

Myrtle Holt has decided to
make this year’s Heavy Fighting Tournament at this event
be of a kind of fighting more rare:  Spear and
Shield.   This will be a double elimination
tournament, and the prize will be a spear to the victor to
complement his collection of
weapons for the future.

Armored Combat

This year Myrtle Holt is
offering up a Prize Tournament to any youth fighters of the
who wish to participate. 

Divisions 1 & 2: Format
of fighting will be bring your best style, best 2 of

Division 3:  The
fighting style for this division will echo that of the Heavy
tournament, Spear and shield.
The bouts will be best 2 of 3.  

There may be the special
treat of “Knock the chicken beak off your opponent’s Helm” to liven
up from the normal fighting.

Prizes will be awarded for
the best fighter at each Division level… our YAC marshal has been
hard at
work making these.


In years past, we’ve not
previously offered up an opportunity to play in the realm of
thrown weapons at our Feast of St. Eggberts, and this year, we’ve
decided to add activity
in this
In a recent re-flourishment of a nearly lost style, we’re going to
be providing access to Darts as an
open activity for all to participate in, and record scores that
will be placed on the An Tir Kingdom Dart
Scoring roster.

Other Activities, for the
young and young at heart:

– Three Media
Illumination:  3 different forms of illuminating will be
offered based on participants age
   For those under the age of 8 there will be colored wax
illumination, for those youths who wish to participate
   there will be color pencils, and for the young at
heart… paints

– Egg the Saint:  An
ever popular event that takes the opportunity to toss eggs at a
likeness of St. Eggbert.
  This year’s competitions here might include an egg toss for
distance, and perhaps other new features

– The Return of Egg
Jousting:   This year we bring back the favorite
competition from last year…  Will there be a new


Please refer
back… details will be posted in


This year we’ve decided to give people a new
random competition.  In previous years, we’ve done
such things as table decorating competitions, but this year, we’ve
decided that there’s just not enough
hats… Yes, you heard correctly, not enough

So, this year the open free-for-all competition
is for Best Hat.  We’re offering up prizes for two
categories of entries:

Humerous and traditional. Winners to be
determined by a vote of those

the event. (A secret ballot kinda thing). The humerous one must
still be within period…no tinfoil pyramids
or rubber chickens. Extra cudos for hats with a chicken or egg
theme. Small cards with info on how you
came up with the design, and how you made the hat would be

So start
working on your head-wear


Myrtle Holt has decided to up the game this
year with our food offerings.  Normally we have only our
evening meal produced by one of our excellent feast teams, and our
day board is generally provided
through donations of those who wish to contribute “pot-luck”
style.   This year, we’ve had a bit of a change…
This year’s day board is going to be produced by a second feast
steward team led up by HL Keara Buchanan.
The theme for the day board is going to be foods of St. Eggbert’s
home, England.

Day Board

  Split pea – vegetarian pea soup
Cockaleekie Soup – Chicken and leek



Deserts:    Shortbread
Sticky Toffee Pudding

Donations of
Pre-prepared vegetable trays and or other meat and cheese trays
would be
welcome to fill out the day


Feast Menu:

This year’s main
feast commemorate’s a journey taken by St. Eggbert in his early
years, a sort of pilgramage
he made to Rome, and will feature some of the favorite dishes he
had while he was there.  As always,
special honor is made to the Chicken, St. Eggbert’s sacred spirit
animal, and special charm to keep away
evil pestilence in the form of the pox!!!

(Nibblements and Openers):

or Venison Stew –
with barley, lentils, and mixed

Vegetarian Stew

with soft cheeses with herbs

cucumber salad with vinaigrette

green salad

Hard-boiled eggs with fig-and-pinenut sauce

PRIMA (First Course)

Chicken a la Fronto



with vinaigrette

Saffron Rice

SECUNDA et DULCINA (Second course and

Stuffed with marzipan

custard with seasonal fruit





10:00 AM:           
Gate opens for general populous

10:30 AM:           
A&S Championship:      
Entrants set up their displays

11:00 AM:

Period Applique Techniques – Alpine Scholar
Youth Armored Combat

12:00 Noon:       

Crocheted Cowl – Jennet MacLachlan
Heavy Spear and Shield Tournament
3 media Illumination
Day Board Opens

1:00 PM:

Naalbinding – Dawnhela Heartsblood, A&S Champion
A & S Championship Judging Commences
Darts for Kingdom Scoring
Return of Egg Jousting

2:00 PM

History: Climate Change as a Motivating Force – Alric of
Myrtleholt’s 1st Cut and Thrust Championship
Egg the Saint

3:00 PM

History: Plagues and the March of History – Alric of
A & S Championship Judging Finishes, C&T Championship
Day Board Closes

4:00 PM               
Court of their Alpine Highnesses, William and Diana

5:30 PM               
Roman Feast Begins

7:00 PM               
Feast Ends

8:00 PM               
Clean-up Commences


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