Briaroak Bash & Summits Archery Championship


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Aaron Brandtson
Date: August 2 , 2013 until August, 4 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 2th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on August 4th 2013

Event site:
Riverbend Park
51 Thompson Blvd Winston, OR 97496

Lord Aaron Brandtson & his autocrat team, HL Michael Aleyn
Davenaunt & Lord Thomas DaVain DeXaintrialles wish to invite
the noble populous of the beautiful lands of the Principality of
the Summits and all within the mighty realm of An Tir to Briaroak’s
27th annual Bash. This year’s Bash includes the Summits Archery
Championship as well as the Defender’s Tournament, a Heavy Prize
Tournament, a Rapier Tournament and much more fun.

Defender Tournament Information
Our current Defender, Cale Heartsblood, has skillfully outlined
this years tournament. The armored footrace will take place first,
the winner of the race will be awarded an ‘extra’ by-fight in the
rounds afterwards (i.e. two losses in the tournamet does not put
him out, it will take a third). The rounds will be as followed:
1st – Bring Your Best.  2nd – Single Sword.  3rd – Great
Weapon.  4th – Sword & Board.  5th – Any Two Weapons.
 If further round(s) are needed the style will be then
determined at that time. 
So, fighters bring what weapons you can to help those without. If
you are not carded with a style in the tournament we will be
qualifying for those needed on Friday and if necessary on Saturday
morning. Anyone who wishes to assist with acting as marshals
inquire with Martin Thorne (the M.I.C.).

* Please note: Due to kingdom and principalty law the person to
hold the title of a Defender or Champion you must be a card
carrying member.

 As with every year, we will have potluck feast. The meat will
be provided by the shire. Mundane last names beginning with A-M
please bring breads or appetizers, those names with N-R bring side
dishes and names with S-Z bring desserts. 

Event Times Site
open 12 noon Friday August 2th
and closes 4 pm Sunday August 4th


Adults (18+): ($10.00), plus NMS for non-members 
$5.00 NMS – Non member surcharge
Youths (10 – 17): ($5.00)
Children under 10: Free 
Family Site Fee Cap: ($35.00) plus NMS if applicable.
Families are determined by mundane laws and not SCA households.
Checks must be made out to SCA Inc. Shire of Briaroak 


Lord Aaron Brandtson
mka Mark Potter
581 NE Alameda Ave #30b
Roseburg, Oregon 97470
Phone: (541) 670-1081

Co Event Stewart

HL Michael Aleyn Davenaunt
Lord Thomas DaVain DeXaintrialles
mka Michael Putman              
Thomas Little











12:00 pm

Site Opens



8:00 PM

Open Bardic



10:30 pm

Quiet Time











8:00 am

First Cry



9:00 am

Lists Open for Shire Defender Tournament & Summit’s Archery
Championship. Armor Inspections Begin



9:45 am

List Close for Defender and Archery tournament



10:00 am

Briaroak Defenders Tournament Begins




Summit’s Archery Championship Begins

Archery Field


12:30 pm

Rapier lists open for Prize Tourney immediately after the Defender
Tourney ends



1:00 pm

Rapier Prize Tournament



2:00 pm

Heavy Prize Lists Open and Inspections Begin



2:30 pm

Heavy Prize Tournament Begins



5:00 pm

Their Alpine Highnesses Court



6:00 pm

Potluck Feast

Rampant Squirrel  Encampment


8:00 pm

Mid Eastern Trading Blanket & Bardic Fire Side



10:30 pm

“Quiet” Time







4:00 pm

Site Closes


for the Tournaments are Estimates depending on previous Tournaments
end times.

This page for event id 5999 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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