Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Kolfinna Vallagyoja
Date: May 12 , 2012 until May, 13 2012
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 12th 2012
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 13th 2012
Event site:
Thurston County Fairgrounds
3054 Carpenter Rd SE
Olympia, WA 98503
The spring is coming and with it
the Barony of Glymm Mere prepares to celebrate the warmer weather!
The most generous Baron Johann Matheusson and radiant Baroness
Francisca de Montoya invite you to join us for…
A Mayfaire to
Held May 12 and 13 at the
Thurston County Fairgrounds, there will be much fun, frolicking,
fighting and fabulous entertainment to be had. The Shield of Glymm
Mere and Baronial Rapier Champion will be determined as well as
Serjeantry candidates being tried by our lovely Baroness. Singers,
storytellers and game-players are invited to share their skills
with all in attendance. Merchants, lawn games, prizes and more
await you at Mayfaire!
May 12-13, 2012
Thurston County Fairgrounds
3054 Carpenter Rd SE
Olympia, WA 98503
Gate fee: $10-adults
$7-ages 11-17
free- 12 and under
family cap of $35
$5 Non-member Surcharge
Camping available on-site
through the Fairgrounds office
Co-Event Stewards: HL Kolfinna
Vallagyoja/Carrie Soderquist – ladykolfinnav@gmail.com; HL Rosamund Winder/Rachel McSweeney-
Merchant Steward: HL Rosamund
Winder- dreamweaver_of_wolves@yahoo.com
Mayfaire Schedule
9AM- Gate opens for Merchants
11AM- Gate opens for Public
11:30- Rapier inspection for
12- Opening Court
12:30- Maypole Dance, Barding for
Peanuts opens
1- Funny Off-Hand Weapon Rapier
Tourney starts
1:30- Heavy inspection; Gypsy Chicks
2- Heavy Blanket Tourney starts
3- Pig Tossing contest
4- Shield of the Barony
6- Evening Court
8- Site Closes
9- Gate opens
10- Serjeantry Trials start
12- Rapier Championship
2- Closing Court
4- site closes
This page for event id 5711 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy