Baronial Banquet


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Anne Rose Smythe
Date: April 9 , 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 9th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Nordic Heritage Hall
3014 NW 67th Street, WA 98117

Limtied – Conflicts upon request The annual Baronial Banquet is
world famous for outstanding medieval cuisine, and is the best
event in the Baronial calendar for Court, Pomp and Pageantry. Their
Excellencies Cire and Elisabeth, Baron and Baroness of Madrone,
invite you to attend the annual Madrone Baronial Banquet! The
Madrone Culinary Guild will be preparing a sumptuous three course
banquet of dishes from medieval Venice.  Those of you who
attended our Silk Road banquet a few years back may recall the
fabulous Chicken Ambrosino in a dark fruit sauce and the rich
layered tart of dried fruit and nuts.   New tasty treats will
include hand made Sausages, cheese dumplings, a wonderful mushroom
pie, almonds in a spiced honey sauce and much much more. This event
IS SOLD OUT!  Please contact Ysolt Tayla of Winds, the kitchen
head/reservations agent if you need specific information about the
menu, or if you will need a vegetarian option. Autocrat:  Anne
Rose Smythe        Activities &
Entertainment      Heraldic Gnoshes Contest
Attention cooks and people who eat! We will have a Heraldic Gnoshes
contest this year! This is a contest on “Heraldic Food” – Pies,
cookies, sweet, savory, whatever. The entries will be judged early
in the day, and the leftovers left out for the public to gnosh on,
to be cleared away well before dinner so no one spoils their
appetites. Her Excellency will be the judge. Criteria will be
unusually loose, ie “a tasty item that incorporates heraldic
display”.  But knowing our Beloved Baroness, period with
minimal documentation that correctly incorporates heraldic rules
will make her most happy.  Can be period or not, can be your
heraldry or the Barony’s heraldry or whatever.   Dishes should
be nibble-able, ie either as finger foods, or accompanied by
whatever folks need to partake (wee paper plates, disposable forks,
etc). An ingredient card is required and all serving dishes MUST be
labeled with your name so you will get them back. If you have any
questions, or would like to help, please contact Maitresse
Anne-Marie at   Bardic Competition
HWAET  This ancient word, the first in Beowulf, has puzzled
those who chase spidery trails of ink.  So, Listen, Hear me,
Attend…all have been given as translations, but those of us who
take the field in combat know what it really means.  To this
day we still start our tales with words of the same
meaning…   “No shit, there I was…” I challenge you to
bring your tales of daring do, quick wit, and perhaps humor to
Baronial Banquet.  We shall have a competition to please the
crowds and make the time pass in good cheer. Here are the few
simple rules. For the Competitors: You must begin your
tale with “No shit, there I was…” The story must involve you
and your exploits. The story must be true enough that none would
gainsay you.    For the Audience: No shushing
people.  Yelling “louder” at the story teller is ok. Did you
route the Western army single handed?  Did you draw a bow
mightier than Odysseus’?    Did you hold the field with
nothing but a dagger and a chicken leg? Did you charge a quintain
on a raging basset hound?  Grab a pint and proudly let us hear
of it.  – Sir Aethelred Cloudbreaker, Madrone Champion Heavy
Fighter Novice and First Projects A&S Display Do you know what
your fellow baronial members are working on? Have you learned to do
something new? Have you received an award in the past for you
A&S projects? Then, this display is for you! The guidelines are
such: Please bring your first project, or a project in a subject
you have been studying less than 1 year.   Project does not
need to be completed. Documentation would be appreciated, but not
required. If you have any questions, or would like to help, please
contact Maitresse Anne-Marie at  

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