Spring Grand Ithra


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Gwenllyen Potter
Date: March 27 , 2010 until March, 28 2010
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 27th 2010
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 28th 2010

Event site:
Mountain View Middle School
2400 Perry Ave. Bremerton, WA 98310

Barony of Dragon’s

Spring Grand Ithra and
A&S Daycamp


Saturday, March 27, 2010, 9AM
to 6 PM

Sunday March 28, 2010, 9 AM
– 1 PM


Mountain View Middle School,
2400 Perry Ave., Bremerton, WA  98310


Autocrat:  Dame Gwen the

(preferred method of

10131 Frontier Place NW,
Silverdale, WA 98383



Help Dragon’s Laire
welcome Spring to the Kingdom of An Tir with a Grand
Ithra!  The
Ithra site is up and ready for registrations.  Register early for you
classes, they are going fast!  Go to the Ithra site to




From the Ithra
staff:  Remember
that when you are registering for your classes you need to
take a moment to make sure that your contact information is
correct.  Classes get cancelled, people need reminders
to get their payments in if they really want that class, etc,
etc, etc…  If you don’t receive a receipt for your
pending registrations that is one of two things 1) your
registration didn’t go through or 2) your e-mail address is
no longer valid.  So, make sure that all is correct.

Also, if you really want that class send your payment to the
registrar, Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol.  Her address
is on the bottom of your confirmation.  We have several
very cool classes that will fill quickly and without payment
your registration is not complete, so you could lose your
spot to someone who gets their check in faster than



But that’s not
If you prefer not to take classes, join us in the Commons at
Mountain View for Arts & Sciences Day Camp!  Dragon’s Laire is
bringing its highly successful A&S Daycamp event to the
Ithra.  Bring a
project to work on, network with other artists, enjoy Arts
& Sciences displays.  This is a great chance to
mingle with artisans of all types, and maybe learn a new


Bead making

We will also have a glass bead demo happening during the day.
HL Sophia Bruno will demo basic lampworking including forming
a round bead, applying dots and stripes, encasing with
transparent glass and a little color mixing, and maybe
even playing with a little silver or gold foil in the
Venetian manner.


Marshall Activities

Wow, this weekend will be packed.  Fighter types, we will
have both heavy and rapier classes, fighter practice and
tournaments on Sunday!   These are not Ithra
classes, but will be run by the marshalette staff for both
heavy and rapier.  We’ll have more
information on exactly what classes will be held within the
next few days. 
It will be a fun and exciting day of fighting, so please come
join us!  No
registration required!


Did you say you were
A plowman’s
lunch will be provided for a small fee ($5).  Lunch will be hearty soup,
bread, cheese, meats, fruit and vegetables.  Also, coffee and tea will
be available all day.


It doesn’t end
with Day Camp and Ithra! 
Later in the
evening on Saturday night, join us at the VFW  – Henry
Bryner Post 4992; 9981 Central Valley Road; Silverdale, WA
98383 for a revel and dinner, hosted by Baroness Brighid
Ross, and Master Arontius of Bygleswade.   Time change!  The
revel will begin at 6:00 PM.


Staying the
weekend?  Need
crash space?
 Contact HL Theodoric the
Scholar for crash space arrangements:

fairwater (at) gmail.com,
(360) 479-6123



Registration for the Ithra is
now open, and registrations are going fast!  If you register for
classes, your site fee will be paid via the instructions on
the Ithra website.  Non-member
surcharge (NMS) will apply, and will be collected at gate on
the day of the event.


If you attend the event
but are not taking classes, there is a site

$7 for Saturday

$5 for Sunday

$12 for the whole

Age 13 and under are


Again, NMS will
, add $3 to the daytrip or weekend fee (if
you attend both days, NMS will only be collected
once.)  For
payments collected at the site, checks should be made out to
SCA Inc. – Barony of Dragon’s Laire.


Come and play and learn with
Dragon’s Laire!  It will be a fun-filled
weekend, packed with activities.  We look forward to seeing



This page for event id 5321 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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