Hosted by
The Shire of Fire Mountain Keep (Lewis county, WA )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Adella Innes
Date: October 23 , 2010
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 23th 2010
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
McMinnville Armory
333 SE Armory Way
McMinnville, OR 97128
My Lords & Ladies, Pray attend! We invite you to our
Annual St. Crispin’s Feast, our patron saint of leather
workers. You are invited to share and demo your latest
A&S craft prior to the feast. A fighters Eric will be set
up prior to the feast. A kids corner will also be set up with
period board games and crafts. Among the activities planned
later in the evening for your pleasure and indulgence, will
be belly dancing artists and special demo guests from far
away lands. We also encourage and welcome wandering minstrels
and bards to assist with entertaining during the
feast…perform with skill and collect a prize! Huzzah!
A pot luck feast is planned. Please bring enough to feed your
family and six others. By modern last name: A-G: Main Dish,
H-M: Vegetable, N-S Dessert, T-Z: Bread and Cheese.
Please remember garb, feast gear, and a drink of your choice
(site is discreetly wet).
Autocrat: Adella Innes (Shanta Frisbee),,
503-539-9259 (9am-9pm)
Fees: This is a FREE event, we ask you to sign in and get a
site token, but there is no site fee. Donations of
non-perishables & canned food will be collected for YCAP
food bank.
Site: McMinnville Armory, 333 SE Armory Way, McMinnville, OR
97128. Opens at 3pm for your pleasure and closes at 9pm. The
feast will be served at 6pm.
Directions: From I-5 North or South, take the
Hwy99W/Tigard/Newberg Exit, follow through Dundee, turn left
on Hwy 18, go approximately 5 miles, Armory Way is on your
left, look for SCA sign. Directly across from Evergreen Air
& Space Museum.
This page for event id 5311 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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