Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Medb of Cae Mor
Date: April 24 , 2009 until April, 26 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 24th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 26th 2009
Event site:
Mount Elizabeth Secondary School
1491 Kingfisher Ave.
Kitimat, BC V8C 1E9
The Penguin Crusade
is once more upon this northern
The frivolity will begin
with an informal Tavern on the night of the
24th opening at 7pm. ->
Official Friday Tavern has been
cancelled! <-
can be completed at the tavern on the Friday
We ask everyone to be on their way by 1:00am that coming
morning, (directions and other information on the shire
Classes will run all
day Saturday. The day will be capped off with a wondrous
feast of many succulent dishes, with a Crusades theme.
The Archery tournament to decide Cae Mor’s new Archery
Champion will be held after classes, but before the
The Heavy and Rapier tournaments will both be starting at
10am on Sunday.
There will be a gathering after the tournaments on Sunday,
for all things Baronaial.
Site opens at 8am on April 25th and closes 3pm on
April 26th.
Site fee is $5 for registered members. Non member surcharge
of $3 is in effect.
Feast fee is $15 with
advance sales
only. Cut off for feast tickets purchase
is April 18th.
To reserve or
purchase feast tickets contact the feastocrat: Rhiannon of
Shrewsbury (Gail Nelson)
cheques payable to the Shire of Cae
To pre register for
the event you may contact the co-autocrat: HL Faelan hua Meic
Laissre (Paul Jeffery) at (250)
632-5896; 20 Fulmar
St. Kitimat BC Canada V8C 1T4 , moonwing71@yahoo. com .
you are going to need a hotel room, please let us know ASAP,
so that we can try to arrage a group
Crash space is
available – please make arrangements with
Cecillia MacGregor (Kathleen
Jeffery) at scagirl@live.ca .
Any other questions,
contact the Autocrat, Medb (Amanda Gueguen) at
hotmail.com or look on the
shireʼs website.
Look to the
following website for more details as the date
approaches http://www.geocitie
s.com/tadgg627/events.html. rhia_the_shrew@
yahoo.com .
This page for event id 5118 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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