Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Tegan Conwy
Date: March 28 , 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 28th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Newberg Masonic Lodge
402 E. Sheridan
Newberg, OR 97132
Come help
the Shire of Mountain Edge select it’s new Defenders.. Come
cheer or come to enter, but come! Armored, Rapier, and
Arts & Sciences Defenders are all to be determined. There
will be a light repast of soups, breads, and cheeses for the
midday meal (potluck additions are welcome).
09:00 gate opens
09:30 armored list open
10:00 A&S setup in Library Annex room
10:30 Armored Tournament begins
11:00 A&S judging begins
12:00 Lunch service begins
12:30 Rapier list open
13:00 Rapier Tournament begins
14:30 A&S display moved to Lodge
15:00 Library Annex room closed and locked
16:00 Moot
Site fee:
$5 for adults, $3 for youth (8-16) and it’s free for those
under the age of 8. Gate opens at 9am. Site closes at
9pm. NMS fee for anyone over 17 without proof of SCA
membership. Please make checks payable to SCA Inc.-Mountain
Edge. Please make checks payable to SCA Inc.-Mountain
Tegan Conwy (mka Shelly Taranoff) 2590 N Locust; Canby,
OR 97013; 503-266-7218
Masonic Lodge is a dry site, enclosed candles only, please.
Site opens at 9am and closed at 9pm
This page for event id 5022 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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