Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Abrahe çaragoça
Date: November 1 , 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 1th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Wells Hall
310 N. K St.
Tacoma, WA 98403
Harvest Feast
Barony of Blatha an Oir
Tacoma/Pierce Co., WA
November 1, 2008
Autocrat: Abrahe çaragoça (MKA: Joel
Viney) abrahecaragoca@dolan-viney.com
Come to Blatha an Oir as we rejoice in Iberian splendor
during the Age of Discovery and savor our bountiful
harvest. Our Feast-o-crat, Agnes berengarii de girona,
will prepare a sumptuous Spanish feast featuring Iberian
dishes and newly discovered New World delicacies. The
site is Wells Hall located at 310 N K St, Tacoma, WA 98403.
The site will open at 1:PM and close at midnight. Serving
will begin at 6:00 (tentatively).
Persona Based Arts and Sciences Challenge:
Persona-Based A&S Challenge: We will be offering a
unique opportunity for the populace to obtain feedback from a
panel of persona research experts. Participants are
invited to present one complete or in-process Arts and
Sciences Project or Article that you wish to submit for
publication (Blatherings, TI, FTSO, Guild Newsletter) for
feedback from the judges. The focus of the presentation
will be on how the item would have been made in period and
how it relates to their persona. Participants will receive
feedback on both their item and on their persona
This activity is recommended for anyone interested in the
Sergeantry, competing in an A&S contest, or who wants to
further their persona development. Pre-registration is
recommended, as time slots are limited. Written Articles must
be submitted at least one week prior to the Challenge.
Contact Annaka Poznanska at alphamike99@yahoo.com for more
Bardic Performances: We invite ALL performers to
entertain Their Excellencies and the populace during and
after dinner. If you would like to perform at this
low-key, just-for-fun bardic, send an email to Gleowine
at aheadley@nwifc.org. or just let him know when you get
Baronial Charter Award Design Contest: Greetings good
gentles. A Baronial Charter Award Design Contest will
take place at Harvest Feast this year. Bring your new designs
for Baronial Charters! His Excellency favors polar
bears and Her Excellency favors turtles. We need
submissions for all three of the chartered awards – Blossom,
Briar and Panthers torch. For more detailed
information, please contact HL Mabel de Wymburn via e-mail (
scribe@blathaanoir.org ). Favored designs by Their
Excellencies will be put into rotation to be given away to
deserving individuals!
Backgammon Tourney: Gamesters – we will be holding a
Backgammon Tourney with prizes for most wins and most games
played. Contact Isabella de Wallingford at
aheadley@nwifc.org for more information.
Pre-Registration: Reservations can be taken via email
at Katheryn98501@yahoo.com . Site Fee $15.00 per
person. Non-member surcharge of $3.00 will be
enforced. Checks payable to Barony of Blatha an Oir,
SCA, Inc. Your reservations will be confirmed upon
payment and must be postmarked before October 21, 2008.
Please mail payment along with the SCA names of the attendees
to Katheryn Haverinen 3143 S 19th ST, Tacoma, WA 98405.
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