Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Elisabeth de Rossignol
Date: September 21 , 2007 until September, 23 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 21th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 23th 2007
Event site:
Reber Ranch
28606 132nd Ave. SE
Kent, WA 98042
Allowing Regional conflicts. Permission received to
conflict with Kingdom Bardic.
“Let it be known that there will be a very great festival of
arms and
a very noble tourney with maces of one measure and rebated
swords, in
appropriate armor, with crests, coats of arms and horses
covered with
the arms of the noble tourneyers, as is the ancient custom
The Shire of Wyewood and the Madrone Equestrian Guild are
pleased to welcome you to this 7th Emprise of the Black Lion,
to be held September 21-23, 2007.
The site this year will be Reber Ranch.
The site will open at 6 p.m. Friday, September 21, and close
at 5 p.m. Sunday, September 23. Some limited camping
may be available, but only by prior arrangement with the
autocrat (see below for contact information.)
The site fee will be $12 for adults, children 8-15 $10, under
8 free.
There will be a $3 nonmember surcharge assessed to those
proof of SCA membership.
10’x12′ stalls are available for horses for $12 per day or
$20 per day + night, with bedding included in the price.
Please pre-register in order to secure a stall.
The Shire of Wyewood will be providing lunch on site for a
modest fee.
The format of the “Champion of the Emprise of the Black Lion”
tournament is inspired by the 1460 treatise by Rene of Anjou
“traictie de la forme et devis d’ung tournoy”.
The games for the Championship of the Emprise of the Black
Lion will
• Rings
• Reeds
• Pigs
• Speed Quintain
• Jousting
• Behord
• Birjas
• A counted blow heavy tournament (yes, on foot!)
Those competing for the Championship of the Emprise of the
Black Lion need enter only four of the above games.
In addition to the games for the Championship, there will be
a variety of heavy armored combat tournaments also in the
style of Rene of Anjou’s treatise. The evening will end
(as per King Rene’s
instructions) with dancing and socializing. Sunday will
feature more opportunities for equestrian activities andheavy
For more information contact the autocrat–
Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol
(Lisa Mohr)
277-0763 until 10 p.m.
This page for event id 4721 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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