Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Arontius of Bygelswade
Date: March 14 , 2008 until March, 16 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 14th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 16th 2008
Event site:
Silverdale Beach Hotel
3073 NW Bucklin Hill Rd.
Silverdale, WA 98383
Kingdom Event. No regional conflicts allowed
without prior written permission from the Crown.
Kingdom of An Tir A&S Championship 2008
Barony of Dragon’s Laire; Silverdale, WA
March 14 – 16, 2008
Stand witness as the artisans and craftsmen of this greatest
of Kingdoms compete for the honour of holding the title of
the Kingdom of An Tir Arts and Sciences Champion! Their
Majesties and the Barony of Dragon’s Laire request the honour
of your presence to this magnificent occasion.
For information on competing in the Championship, please
contact all of the following on the Kingdom Arts and Sciences
Officer Staff: Arts and Sciences Championship Deputies
Mistress Isolde de la Vielle-a-Roue (MKA Sandra Davis); 3624
Serene Way; Lynnwood, WA 98037; (425)743-3318; isolde@ibix.net AND Mistress
Gwenllyn Potter (MKA Wendy McComb); 10131 Frontier Place NW;
Silverdale, WA 98383; (360)698-5926; dragonfirepottery@tscnet.com.
Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences Marquessa Laurellen de
Brandevin (MKA Tammie Dupuis); 470 Bridle View Place NW;
Bremerton, WA 98311-8917; (360)307-0526; kmoas_antir@hotmail.com
The lay-out of the Championship Hall is being coordinated by
Dame Ellen Fraser. Should you have any question concerning
this aspect, please contact her at n7pyk@amsat.org .
The official judging schedule (always subject to change) can
be found at <http://www.currentmiddleages.org/artsci/KASchampionship_entrants2008.html>.
If you would be interested in ‘Student Judging’ at KAS: “Did
you ever want to find out what it was like to be a judge at
an A & S Competition? Did you ever think about entering,
but really didn’t know what it was all about? Well,
consider being a Student Judge. We are accepting requests to
be student judges now! The schedule is posted, so you
can take a look at the entries and the times. Here are the
guidelines: 1) Student judges need to send me an email
ahead of time, so that we can have the proper forms
available. 2) We can have no more than one student
judge per entry. 3) Student judges scores will not be
counted in the scoring. So, register with me early if you
want to student judge! The early bird gets…well, you
know the rest. There are 40 individual entries, so only
40 spaces available! In case you haven’t see it, here is the
judging schedule. The judging schedule is subject to
change without notice <http://www.currentmiddleages.org/artsci/KASchampionship_entrants2008.html>
(There are already changes to note: #38 is withdrawn; #4 is
changed to 1130 AD Danish Kirtle). Send me an email if you
want to be a student judge. It’s a great experience!
Mistress Gwen the Potter, KA&S Judge Wrangler in
Training, dragonfirepottery@tscnet.com
A preliminary schedule for events surrounding the Kingdom
Arts and Sciences Championship is as follows (always subject
to change):
Friday, March 14: No official activities. 8:00 – 10:00, Baby
Shower/reception for Gravinde Dagmear at the Dragon’s Laire
Hospitality Suite (2nd Floor).
Saturday, March 15: 9:00 – Judges Meeting; 10:00 – Invocation
Court; 10:00 to Noon – Herbal Guild of Dragon’s Laire
(downstairs meeting room); 11:00 – Judging begins; 12:00 to
1:00 – Guild Head’s Meeting (downstairs meeting room); 1:00
to 2:00 Pelican Meeting (Judges’ room upstairs); 2:00 Fight
Practice; 2:00 to 3:00 – Glass Workers Guild Meeting
(downstairs meeting room); 4:00 Last entry judged; 4:00 to
Court – Apprentice Meeting (Judges’ room upstairs); 6:00
Sunday, March 16: 9:00 Laurel Meeting (Judges’ room
upstairs); 10:30 Judging for the finalist begins; Court at
the completion of the finals.
In addition to the Championship there will be demonstrations
of period arts, crafts and sciences. The Guilds of An Tir
will showcase their wares for demonstration. If you should
have any questions concerning the Guilds, including what will
be on display and who will be represented, please contact the
Guild Display Coordinator, THL Kassandra of Dragon’s Laire,
who can be reached at alaricus@msn.com .
During the day on Saturday there will be a Fight Practice for
both Armored and Rapier fighters. Please contact the Dragon’s
Laire Baronial Marshall for more information. THL Oliver
Tarney (MKA David A. Emmons) can be reached at olivertarney@comcast.net
or (360)930-0437. The Armored Combat will be led by His
Excellency Cedric Wlfraven (wlfraven@comcast.net). The
Rapier Combat will be led by M’Lord Morgan von Dammerung
Practice will commence at 2:00 PM on the waterfront side of
the hotel.
There will be a fantastic Marketplace in the Marketplace
Nook. The hours of operation are as follows: Friday, 6PM to
9PM; Saturday, 9AM to 6PM (possibly later if traffic warrants
it); Sunday, 9AM open until 3PM officially (although tear
down will probably start before that time). The ‘Marketplace
Nook’ will house the following merchants: 1. Cinphire (poured
candles); Morgaina (period pottery); Aelfgifu (period glass
work); Mark de Gaulker (antiquities, jewelry); Pastiche
(books, a wealth of other delights); and Leather Mystics
(leather goods for SCA).
For those who wish to learn something new, a two track Ithra
will also offer an assortment of classes. Please go to the
main University of Ithra web-site at http://www.ithra.antir.sca.org/
. On the pull-down menu will be a listing for the ‘2008
Kingdom Arts and Sciences Mini-Ithra’. Click on that link and
it will take you to all the information you need to sign up
for classes offered.
tear-down and gate. Please volunteer a few hours of your
time. It would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Please contact our
Volunteer Coordinator, THL Eilidh at eilidh_eilidh@yahoo.com
The hotel restaurant will offer a buffet breakfast at a
reasonable price on Saturday and Sunday mornings. They are
also working to offer something special for their lunch and
dinner menus that is specially designed for the SCA.
BOOK NOW !!! Rooms are $89 per night for two people
… $10 for each additional person. ALL rooms come
equipped with refrigerators, limited number of microwaves
that can be requested for your room, first come, first serve.
SCA reservations have priority on the water view balcony
rooms until they are sold out. There is a hot tub and heated
If you should desire space at the abode of a citizen of
Dragon’s Laire, please contact our ‘Crash Space Coordinator’,
Lord Theodoric the Scholar, who can be reached at
360-473-6743, or fairwater@gmail.com .
Site Information: Silverdale Beach Hotel; 3073 N.W. Bucklin
Hill Road; Silverdale, WA 98383. Phone: (360)698-1000.
Reservations are under “SCA” (for discounted pricing). The
event opens at 10:00 AM on Friday, March 14th, 2008. The
events site closes at 5:00 PM on Sunday, March 16th, 2008.
Official gate hours are as follows: Friday, March 14 – 10:00
AM until 12:00 MIDNIGHT (or sooner depending on arrivals);
Saturday, March 15 – 7:00 AM until approximately 4:00 PM;
Sunday, March 16 – 7:00 AM until approximately 12:00 NOON.
Directions to site: Use your best route to Silverdale, WA, on
HWY WA-3 North. Take the Newberry Hill Rd. exit off of HWY
WA-3 to Silverdale. At the end of the HWY exit take a right.
After approximately 0.3 miles, Newberry Hill Road becomes
Silverdale Way NW. In the center of Silverdale take a right
on to NW Bucklin Hill Road. The Silverdale Beach Hotel will
be on the right side of the road on the waterfront.
Site Fees: SCA Members: Adults (18 and over) – $15; Youths (6
– 17) – $7.50; Children (5 and under) – Free. Family Cap:
$45. All Other Guests and Non-Members: Adults (18 and over) –
$18; Youths (6-17) – $7.50; Children (5 and under) – Free.
Family Cap: $51. Make checks payable to “The Barony of
Dragon’s Laire; SCA, Inc.” Questions concerning gate may be
directed to our Gate Coordinator, Lady Branwyn, who can be
reached at tmariesanford@msn.com .
Event website: www.dragonslaire.org and
click on the link for Kingdom A&S information.
Autocrats: Master Arontius of Bygelswade (M. Aaron Rogers);
470 Bridle View Place NW; Bremerton, WA 98311-8917;
(360)307-0526; Arontius@comcast.net AND
Mistress Brighid Ross (Carol Schnetter); (360)697-8910;
This page for event id 4680 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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