Honor War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Hallgrim Vendelson
Date: April 20 , 2007 until April, 22 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 20th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 22th 2007

Event site:
Boyer Park and Marina
1753 Granite Rd. almota, WA

Sven, Mighty King, and Signy, Gracious Queen, send word to the great lords and brave fighters of An Tir to hasten to the Eastern Marches of An Tir, and there to assemble under the Royal Banner. For in the Eastern Marches of Lyonsmarche an injustice arises. There a vile horde of brigands have set their hands against the lawful subjects of The Crown. The road East will be treacherous one for those who are yet loyal in the East report the roads are overrun. Let Oaths of Service be Honored — Loose the Arrow, Unsheathe the Sword — Let there be Honor, War, and Justice done.


The friendly folks of Lyonsmarche invite you to the first An Tir Inlands camping war of the season.  Get your SCA year started off the Honor War way.  The Crown is scheduled to be at Honor War this year.  We are planning many unique war fighting scenarios, which include the use of a portable castle and dungeon.  Also, an A&S competition is planned.  Visit our website at http://honorwar.greathall.org for more details.


Gate opens at noon, Friday the 20th. Site closes at noon, Sunday the 22nd. Site fees: Ages 16 & up $12, 6-15 $6, 5 & under are free. Family cap $36. Day fees are half price. $3 non-member surcharge applies. Make checks payable to COLLEGE OF LYONSMARCHE.

 Autocrats:Hallgrim (m.k.a. Tom Clark), (208)798-0325, hallgrim at greathall org.

Heðinn Moðolfr (m.k.a. Matt Morgan).



Rhys Cysgod ap Caerphilly


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