Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Branwen Miles
Date: April 27 , 2007 until April, 29 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 27th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 29th 2007
Event site:
Clallam County Fairgrounds
1608 West 16th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Good Mornin' to all in our beautiful Kingdom and beyond.
Spring is in the air, can you smell it? Time has come to get out of your burgh and let the moderns feel, smell, and touch our world.
Maypole Faire XIV has a NEW LOCATION this year. The Clallam County Fairgrounds in Port Angeles, Washington will host us April 27-29.
The Heavy Armored Combat Tournament for the Mace will happen. Lord Palladius has been the champion for several years now and challenges any who would dare to take this trophy from him.
Competitions in Rapier, Archery, and Thrown Weapons will go on these days. And we are blessed to have our own Kingdom Protector HL Burning Bear host a Box Tourney as well!
Arts & Sciences will once again host the Medieval Life Museum and the Fashion Show. Individual contests will be held, too.
Merchants are coming! HL Dana Chathair Saibhin is the merchant-crat and may be contacted at consortiailluminae@comcast.net for space availability.
There will also be a Shire Fundraising Potluck Feast. Those with modern last names A-H/Desserts; I-P/Salads/Sides; Q-Z/Main Dish-Meats – you are of course welcome to bring whatever else you'd like that is edible. Fees: 14+ are $4; 13 and under are $3; Family Cap $10 Home to the Shire Bardic Championship!!!
So traveler, come to the shire. Walk the ponds, live in the wood, join the bardic fires, and enjoy the company.
Join us Friday April 27 when the gate opens at 4p – the site closes on Sunday April 29 at 3p. Public Demonstration hours are Sat. 10-4 and Sun. 10-2.
Gate Fees are as follows – in US Funds – checks made payable to 'The Shire of Druim Doineann, SCA, Inc.' $3 nms for non-member adults apply.
Adults (18+) $15-weekend/$8-daytrip
Youth (6-17) $8-weekend/$5-daytrip
Children 5 & under – free
Family Cap $40-weekend/$20-daytrip
Camping Reservations – to Lady Careann at anti_scrappy@yahoo.com those with RVs – to hook up to electricity only is $10 per night and space is limited.
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