Wastekeep Fall Ithra


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Marcia of Jarrow Motte
Date: October 28 , 2006 until October, 29 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 28th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on October 29th 2006

Event site:
Desert View Community Clubhouse
6500 Desert View Dr West Richland, WA 99353-9700

.Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The Barony of Wastekeep is hosting a
General Fall Ithra the weekend of October 28-29, 2006. The
Wastekeep Campus is coming to life again and we hope many of
you will attend. The Barony of Wastekeep is hosting a potluck
Saturday evening at the same location. Don Jack’s
Spitting Duck Tavern will be open with games and merriment
for all. The Italian Rapier Boot Camp will be held on
Saturday along with many other classes on that day and on
Sunday. Msgr. Balthasar and Justin Greywolf are going to
teach their Boot Camp as they were unable to last March.
There will also be Bone Carving, Silk Painting, Dancing,
Norse Wire Weaving, Early Period Embroidery, Cloak
Construction, and Rapier-What to do with your Other Hand. We
are also hoping to have a First Aid and/or CPR class on
Sunday for those with an interest in the Chirurgeonate. The
complete schedule is available on the Baronial website at
http://www.wastekeep.org under Forum, Events. Now you can
register online at the Ithra Home page,
www.ithra.antir.sca.org . Ithra Registration is $6.00 plus a
Matriculation Fee of $2.00 if this is your first Ithra. In
addition, the classes have a class fee which must be included
with your registration. You must pre-register and pay for
this event. There will be NO on site registration. A Late Fee
of $5 will be charged if Registration payment is received
later than Oct. 22nd. If received after Oct. 25th, the class
may be cancelled if there are not enough students for a
class. Make checks payable to University of Ithra at
Wastekeep, SCA Inc. A $3 Non Member Surcharge needs to be
included if applicable. If you need crash space, B&B is
available. It is $3 per night per person. If you have special
needs or allergies, please let the Registrar know in advance.
The event will be held at the Clubhouse of Desert Home
Trailer Park, 6500 Desert View Manufactured Home Community,
West Richland WA. Classes start at 9 am and end at 6 pm each
day. Chancellor: Marcia of Jarrow Motte monferret@yahoo.com
CiT: Mairghread (Kim Rust) 431 W 30th Ave., Kennewick WA
99337 509-586-4175 mkimber@charter.net

This page for event id 4505 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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