Candlemas/Holly & Ivy Ithra


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Elisabeth Trostin
Date: February 4 , 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 4th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Hyla Middle School
7861 Bucklin Hill Rd, NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

P.O. Box 468, Vaughn, WA. 98394

Sophia Bruno,
P.O. Box 812, Port Townsend, WA. 98368
Druim Doineann Autocrat for Holly and Ivy

Site will opens to all gentles at 8:30am and close at 11:00pm. Gate hours will be 8:30am to 4:30 pm.

Site Fee
$8.00 Adults
$4.00 Children 6-17
$24.00 Family cap
$3 NMS applies

Make checks payable to SCA Inc, Barony of Dragon’s Laire

All gentles are invited to join in the combined celebration of Dragon’s Laire’s Candlemas and the Shire of Druim Doineann’s, Holly & Ivy! Activities include:
Baronial A & S Championship, a single-entry A&S display, a two-track Ithra, games, a mid-day luncheon, and a potluck-style feast. We also invite you to join the Barony for the first court for our new Coronets, HE Cedric Wlfraven and HE Brigid Ross!

Guidelines for A&S single-entry displays:
Please include one page minimum of documentation stating:
Who- who would make and use it,
When- what time period it would be found in,
Where-what country and or region it came from,
And if it applies, how it was put together.

For more information about Dragon’s Laire’s A&S Championship, please contact our Coordinator and current Champion:
Lady Altaliana da Segna, (360)697-1082,
A & S Criteria and Guidelines,

The Ithra will include classes on Etiquette and protocol, How to design a device, Town cry and court heraldry, Easy English country dancing, Scroll Layout, and How to run gate.

For more information or to register for the Holly & Ivy Ithra, please see the Ithra website:

Lunch will be offered for a small monetary donation ($2.00) and is provided by the Shire of Druim Doineann. It will include two soups, bread, fruit and cheese.

We ask those attending the evening’s feast/potluck to contribute a dish serving 6-8; there are no additional fees. The Barony will provide the beast to include two or three choices. Due to limited space the evening feast is pre-registration only, 90 persons maximum. Please bring your feast/potluck contribution according to your mundane last name:
A-H: Side Dishes
I-R: Cheeses or Fruits & Vegetables
S-Z: Salads or Desserts

For more information regarding the luncheon menu, please contact Lady Sonja du Bois, (360)452-6703,

For more information regarding the feast reservations (name only), please contact HL Ceinan, (360) 731-7729,

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