Mountain Edge Defender Tourney


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Bridgit of Guernsey
Date: March 18 , 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 18th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Newberg Masonic Lodge
402 E. Sheridan Newberg, OR 97132

Everyone is cordially invited to attend the Shire of Mountain Edge
Defender Tournament on March 18 2006.

An Armored Defender, a Rapier Defender, an A&S Defender and a Youth
Combat (Boffer) Defender will be chosen at this tournament.
Please contact the Autocrat or check the Mountain Edge website at for complete Defender Candidate details.

We will have performances, juggling, a puppet play and Dancing in the
A dance class is being held in the afternoon for anyone who wants to
We are looking for people to participate in the Puppet play, if
interested contact Tamar the Serene at

The feast is Pot Luck. Bring what ever you wish for your contribution.
The shire will provide a meat dish and a vegetarian soup.

Autocrat: Brigit of Guernsey (Beth Harrison),
P.O. Box 602, Woodburn, OR 97071,

Site Information: The event will be held at the Newberg Masonic
Lodge, 402 E. Sheridan, Newberg, OR 97132. This is a dry site!
Enclosed candles only.

Site opens: At 9:00 am and closes at 10:30 pm on Sat. March 18, 2006.
Site Fee: $6.00 for everyone over age 17. Age 12-17, $4.00. Under
age 12 free. NMS fee of $3.00 for anyone over 17 who cannot show
proof of membership. Make checks payable to SCA, Inc. Mountain Edge.

Directions from Portland: Take your best route via Hwy. 99W into
Newberg. Hwy. 99W will become Hancock (a one way street). Turn right
on Blaine. Park at the public parking lot on the corner of Hancock
and Blaine or street parking. The Masonic Lodge is two doors down from
the public parking lot. Follow the SCA signs.

Directions from McMinnville: Take Hwy. 99W into Newberg. Hwy. 99W
becomes First St. (a one way street). Turn left on Howard. Turn left
onto Hancock. Immediately get into the right lane. Follow directions
as above.

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