Hosted by
The Canton of Akornebir (Walla Walla, WA)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Laura of Akornebir
Date: January 29 , 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on January 29th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Lion’s Park Field House
SE Larch St & SE 8th
College Place, WA 99324
Court of Love
January 29th 2005
The Canton of Akornebir is pleased to invite all to our
Annual Court of Love event. A day of Contests Championships
& Potluck. This will be a day in Celebration of Love, for
what we do & for those we Love. This day will include the
always popular Deflower the maiden contest for adults.
Classes in bone work, basket weaving chain mail &
Falconry. Music, board & card games, & contests for
smalls. Merchants on site. Bardic court of Love
Fourth annual Rapier championship. And 2nd annual
Boffer/Whalebone Champion. Of course the always popular
period Aphrodisiac cooking contest.(Entries must have at
least one ingredient thought to be an aphrodisic) Also will
be the A&S contest, this year to be an item you would
give to someone you Love. Blank cards will be available for
contest & potluck entries.
Potluck Feast will start at 6:00pm. Canton will provide
breads. Please use the following for food listed by mundane
last name. a-g Main Dish h-s Veggies, salad or side dish t-z
fruit or desserts. Please bring enough to feed 10.
Site fee: $8 adult 5-15 $5, $25 Family cap.. Please make
checks payable to “Canton of Akornebir,SCA Inc”. There
will be No Non member surcharge for this event.
Site: College Place Lions Fieldhouse. 1230 SE Larch, College
Place,Wa. Site opens at 11:00 and closes at 10pm. The Hall is
Dry, but alcohol is discreetly permitted in the surrounding
parking area, please use period containers.
Directions: From
Oregon:take hwy 125
toward Walla Walla turn left at the College Ave traffic
light,continue through town to s.e.8th st. Turn
right. s.e.8th runs right into the parking lot of the
site. From all
else take hwy 12 to walla walla Turn SOUTH on “college
place/walla walla college” exit. Also signed as Gose
rd. Gose rd turns into College Ave
continue for 10 blks turn left on s.e. 8th. Street runs right
in parking lot of site.
Autocrat: Lady Laura of Akornebir (Laura Johnson) Address:
226 Blalock Dr. Walla Walla Wa
Phone 509-525-3381
Deputy Autocrat : Lady Meghan (Deb Crocker) E-mail Address:
Feastocrat: Cliff of Akornebir (Cliff Johnson) Email Address: .
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