All Champions / All Thing


Hosted by Device of Aquaterra

The Barony of Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): AErne Clover
Date: March 25 , 2005 until March, 27 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 25th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 27th 2005

Event site:
Stanwood/Camano Fairgrounds
6431 Pioneer Hwy. Stanwood, WA 98292

March 25-27th, 2005
Barony of Aquaterra
6431 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292

A fresh breeze is blowing through the land, bringing with it the changes of the coming spring! Come to All-Champions, March 25-27th, to compete for the right to be a Champion of Aquaterra!

There are some new requirements for the coming Champions; competitors are strongly encouraged to send letters of petition and introduction to Baron Andreu and Baroness Fiamma ( or, so that Their Excellencies might know the entrants better; the new Champions will also be expected to attend Aquaterra’s four major events: Boar’s Hunt, Banner War, Ursulmas, and the next All-Champions. Enquiries on the changes can be addressed to Their Excellencies, or to the co-Autocrats. Petitions for all categories except A&S and Bardic will be accepted until Opening Court, which will be Saturday morning at 10am; entries for A&S and Bardic closed at Ursulmas, due to the need to find judges for specific categories in time for the event. Your letters need be as simple or as glorious as you care to make them, introducing yourself, where you’re from, pledging to attend all four required events, and the usual fervent expressions of desire for victory…(good luck to all of you!)

Merchants are most welcome; we already have at least eight! There will be a Siege Engine Golf Tournament Saturday & Sunday (non-championship), and hopefully an Egg Hunt on Sunday. Attend our delicious Baronial Banquet Saturday evening for a wonderful Anglo-Norman feast!

SITE OPENS FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH AT 3PM TO EVERYONE! (Sorry for the delay in getting this part posted–I honestly thought it was already here!)

Site fee: $10 for adults 16 and older, $5 for children 6-15, 5 and under free. NMS will apply.
There is no merchanting fee, just the site fee.
RVs will have an additional hook-up fee for electricity, etc., of $10–the RV fee is PER NIGHT. (My apologies this was not made clear in The Crier; it has been corrected in the Murmurs and here, and will be listed in the site copy as such.)
Please make all cheques payable to: Barony of Aquaterra, SCA Inc.

Feast fee: $12 for everyone 12 and older, $5 for children 6-11, 5 and under free; seating is limited to 140 tickets. Feast tickets will go on sale at the end of February.

Autocrats: HL Ærne Clover (mka Jean Johnson) 17101 24th Ave SE, Bothell, WA, 98012, 425-488-1257 9am-9pm,
& Lady Tessa Tazzi (mka Vickie Logerstedt) 425-316-0415 (no calls after 8pm please!),

Reservations for RVs and Feast Tickets: Baroness Arianne of Falconmoors, or (425) 778-2359 (no calls after 9pm, please)

Merchants: Please address your questions to Lady Tessa Tazzi.

Entrants: Please address your questions to Lady Tessa Tazzi.

All other questions, please address to HL Ærne Clover. The feast menu hopefully will be posted soon. –Don’t forget to volunteer!!

This page for event id 4109 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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