Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Eileen in Luch
Date: March 3 , 2006 until March, 5 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 3th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 5th 2006
Event site:
Red Lion Hotel, Silverdale
3073 NW Bucklin Hill Road
Silverdale, WA 98383
Majesties and the Barony of Dragon’s
Laire request the honor of
your presence as we participate in the excitement
and beauty that is Kingdom A&S
2006. The all encompassing world of this
competition may surprise those who have not attended before.
If you can touch it, taste it, smell it, hear it, wear it or
be hit over the head with it ….. that is an art form.
Art and Science surrounds our senses and is what
“creates” our world of the SCA. Heavy Fighters,
there will be a clinic on marshalling by Sir Walter of
Minstead. Rapier Fighters, there will also be a
marshalling class offered by HL Caroline de PoliAna.
For those seeking the gentler arts, we will be hosting a two
track Ithra at the event.
Saturday evening bardic performances will be in the upper
section of the restaurant where libations and appetizers will
also be available. Guilds of An Tir,
we invite you to showcase your wares at tables we have set
aside for you to demonstrate and educate the populace on your
area of specialty.
We will have a buffet breakfast at a reasonable price on
Saturday and Sunday mornings… there will also be a
Soup and Salad bar available on Saturday.
The rooms are $79 per night for two people … $10 for
each additional person. ALL rooms come equipped with
refrigerators, limited number of microwaves that can be
requested for your room, first come, first serve. SCA
reservations have priority on the water view balcony rooms
until they are sold out. Preregistration is available for the
event … please contact Lady Liu Xian
maryfischer@hotmail.com 360-475-8510 for
reservations. There is a hot tub and heated
pool. Please note .. Crash Space is available …
Lord Theodoric the Scholar is arranging. Contact
information is in the Autocrat list below.
HOTEL : Please NOTE — Name change on the hotel is now
Silverdale Beach Hotel formerly Silverdale Red
Lion. As of 01/10/06 the sign outside still reflects
the Red Lion.
our Kingdom A&S Minister, Master Gordon
Redthorn at carvedstone@hotmail.com
RIGHT AWAY !! Single Entry Cut Off is
Saturday, January 21st !!!!
are greatly appreciated for this event… please contact Lord
Isketol at Isketol@tscnet.com or phone at
COPY — Deadline for submitting event copy is
February 18th for the site handout. Please
contact HL Angharad Albanes at angharad@blackberryhollowfarm.com
or phone before 8 PM at 360-874-7608 to alert her of
your intent to place your item in the
handout. It must be in her hands before Feb.
18th. If you are scheduling a meeting… contact
HE Tsuruko for scheduling… her information is listed below.
Event will be $12 for members and $15 for nonmembers with a
$45 family cap. Youth ( 7-17 ) . Reservations are under
“SCA”… you must let them know to receive
the discounted price. BOOK EARLY !!
Silverdale Beach Hotel < formerly the Red Lion> (360)
698-1000 3073 NW Bucklin Hill Road Silverdale, WA 98383 Event
website: http://www.dragonslaire.org/Crown%20Events/AnTir_A&S_Championship2006.htm
OR go the the Dragon’s Laire Website at www.dragonslaire.org
and click on the link for Kingdom A&S information.
Autocrat: HL Eileen in Luch medievalmouse@comcast.net
360-373-1781 not after 8
Guild Contact: HL Mariette Devine — marycamp@gardener.com
Ithra Contact : Senyora Agnés berengarii de
girona agnesberengarii@dolan-viney.com
Bardic coordinator: HL Liesl von Katzenheim — LizKenyon@aol.com
Marshallate coordinator: HL Loric macLochlainn woodhaven-woods@comcast.net
Preregistration — Lady Liu Xian maryfischer@hotmail.com
Meeting Scheduling – HE Murakami Tsuruko Sensei – Tsuruko@rainymountain.com
Crash space – o – crat — Lord Theodoric the Scholar
fairwater@gmail.com phn:
This page for event id 4070 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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